Talifmo t1_j024t38 wrote
This is starting to bother me. I can't see any discernable change when the lever gets flipped. The belt at the very top stops occasionally, but the timing doesn't seem to be associated with the the lever
Can anybody clarify for me what the lever is doing? I know its all in good fun and the gif is pretty cool, but why have animate the lever flipping if it's doing nothing.
Someone please point out what I'm missing
Owolfs OP t1_j025e86 wrote
There was supposed to be a bigger reaction to switching the lever. But it was reduced to only calming down the rumbling box that the bones fly out off. So the bones turn on the lever, box starts to rumble, and the guy turns it off.
TCFirebird t1_j02kpuz wrote
Is there a reason that one set of bones come out for every two bodies that go in?
Owolfs OP t1_j02mvk2 wrote
Pacing mostly. If it Were for every it looked too Even throughout. So no story reasoning
Schuben t1_j031hr6 wrote
I was wondering where the extra bone came from out of the chute. The electrocution shows a skull, a T-bone and one straight bone but the chute has 2 straight bones. I guess the extra skull and T-bone were simply obliterated...
Owolfs OP t1_j032twq wrote
Maybe they’re being harvested for something sinister
Nathan_Poe t1_j043kbu wrote
It used to do something before they upgrade the factory, but it's a union shop so he keeps his job.
Owolfs OP t1_j046k3w wrote
Hahaha I love this answer
Superjuden t1_j03p08q wrote
>pulling the lever changes the color of the trolley from ivory or egg shell
QMaker t1_j042wja wrote
Also, where do the ones who get eaten come from? They aren't really timed with everything else either. How are they selected from the steady stream of beans?
Owolfs OP t1_j046ian wrote
They come from the left.
Cue x-files theme song.
space_scorpion t1_j04i91z wrote
The top belt toggles (start <-> stop) every time the lever pushes towards him.
[deleted] t1_j028qim wrote
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