Submitted by westondeboer t3_1047fmr in gifs
Zachisawinner t1_j33ffhz wrote
Where did the red bandana come from?
morbyxxx t1_j33hzr3 wrote no...
jimberley t1_j33m975 wrote
Love the nonchalance of her “I just killed a guy” fist pump.
Temetka t1_j33sf61 wrote
This is pure awesome through and through. What is this from?
bigmikey128 t1_j33v942 wrote
Savage Beach I think?
DutssZ t1_j3455pe wrote
Is this... porn?
hookhands t1_j3456jy wrote
This isn't a gif
HtB3P t1_j346tg3 wrote
It’s a long one…
hookhands t1_j346wxz wrote
It's just a video. There's sound!
goldug t1_j347ck4 wrote
Waste of a good bike!
wrenchmeister t1_j34atoq wrote
Joe_na_hEireann t1_j34cgk4 wrote
Susuki TS100. My first bike. So weird I Googled it today for the first time in years(not a common bike where I'm from) and here it is, no tags. What the fuck!
nutano t1_j34i151 wrote
Clearly she did not. She made the guy totally vanish and exploded a motor bike.
She's been part of the anti-motorcycle lobby for years and finally gets to blow one up.
rich1051414 t1_j34k9tt wrote
>Savage Beach
Um... no? Yes? It's porn-esque :P
lemonsweetsrevenge t1_j34kaax wrote
I think it’s the Napoleon Dynamite sequel.
DrRob t1_j34kbyc wrote
Oh 70’s TV, never change!
IncCo t1_j34l0xj wrote
Looks like an old 007 movie
GatoradeNipples t1_j34nere wrote
It's an Andy Sidaris movie, so... non-committal handwavey motion?
They're basically all "sorta-kinda softcore porn, sorta-kinda really dumb action movie."
aVHSofPointBreak t1_j34on3l wrote
Part of what makes this feel so awkward is the editing. There's a superfluous half-second at the start and end of every transition that makes it feel really clunky. It's like they are rolling and yell action, but make the edit prior to the director yelling "action" and after they've called "cut".
StairQuesadilla t1_j34p9xb wrote
Lol, I thought they meant Hawkeye from MASH
EndOfTheLine00 t1_j34qqc2 wrote
I half expected this to suddenly turn into a parody of the ending of Blood Debts:
ickshter t1_j34snt1 wrote
Think it was the 185, not the 100. Either way, not cool blowing up a sweet ride like that!
[deleted] t1_j34u1n9 wrote
[deleted] t1_j34u3al wrote
Shy_Joe t1_j34u76t wrote
It's a scene from Picasso Trigger.
putzarino t1_j34vv53 wrote
Linda McCartney is a badass!
[deleted] t1_j34w82f wrote
gmotelet t1_j34w9yw wrote
guitar_jed t1_j34wlwp wrote
So I wasn't the only one. I was very confused
smokey2535 t1_j34xw68 wrote
> Picasso Trigger.
I knew it was gonna be an Andy Sidaris movie. I thought it was hard ticket to hawaii at first.
MisterJasonMan t1_j34y3df wrote
You know you're old when you click on it and expect to see Hawkeye Pierce from MASH
[deleted] t1_j34yfab wrote
[deleted] t1_j357y78 wrote
This baywatch?
ElementK2 t1_j35bghg wrote
The cheesiness of the music makes it so much better
-Lumpy-Space-Prince- t1_j35daup wrote
If you liked that movie you’ll like “hard ticket to Hawaii”
niitq t1_j35dscq wrote
Old gun sounds!
NotThePersona t1_j35g2cb wrote
Yep that's where my brain went first for some reason
revmacca t1_j35gc0j wrote
I was also expecting some dr based quips and clinger dressed to the nines…..
FrankthePug5 t1_j35j94c wrote
Yung Gravy?
phido3000 t1_j35jzfg wrote
Looks like danger 5...
pumped_up_kicks80 t1_j35k5ml wrote
Hawkeye would be proud if he could get out of the ICU ward at the moment
Hippoplatypus7 t1_j35ln2f wrote
They blew their whole budget on blowing up that dirt bike
YubNub81 t1_j35mlfq wrote
Is it bad that I was expecting a surprise snowcat attack?
Automatic_Llama t1_j35o64c wrote
Ha that was my takeaway too. If your reaction to exploding a man before your eyes is "bullseye!" with a fist pump, you're a psycho.
Cool_underscore_mf t1_j35ohuc wrote
Oh yeah, a ts185. I used to have one of those. It was good I think, but I'd not want one now.
jazztoker t1_j35p88j wrote
Silly_Doughnut5715 t1_j35r3gy wrote
More Ukraine war footage.
Lally-paap t1_j35ro75 wrote
My proudest fap
techieguy009 t1_j35rt2q wrote
Let’s be honest! This was shared because of “ass(es)”!!
3serious t1_j35rvhd wrote
God, same, and I've never watched MASH
anecdotal_yokel t1_j35tc0k wrote
plaurenb8 t1_j35uvlp wrote
Weren’t there supposed to be some tits?
Dansondelta47 t1_j35v6o4 wrote
I’ll give you a sound!
QQEvenMore t1_j35vpno wrote
Someone please tell me that the gas tank of that bike goes down all the way to and under the seat and that the tip of the harpoon caused a spark somehow
Zauberer-IMDB t1_j35x6sa wrote
This was made in the late 80s.
Mrhore17 t1_j35xbtq wrote
I have a buddy who LOVES these types of movies. He would have friends over for movies nights and we would get really high and watch these and let me tell you, every single one of these type of movies are exactly the same. Super buff shirtless dude, girls are always introduced naked, drive/fly around in expensive vehicles and there has to be at LEAST 3-4 sex scenes.
And the movies just kinda end with the whole cast talking about what they did.
It’s like if Dennis Reynolds from always sunny actually made movies like how he described, “Crime, penetration, crime, penetration, until it all sorta…ends.”.
HotCheese650 t1_j35y3tg wrote
Hawkeye in the hospital right now trying to fist bump her.
timontyres t1_j35yvki wrote
Is no-one going to talk about how they just threw a piece of meat in the air during the explosion?
A0xom0xoa t1_j35z4d0 wrote
When cocaine was king
Kailmo t1_j36173o wrote
Jcbowden10 t1_j361w7w wrote
My teenage self loved these movies. The perfect combination of boobs and explosions. All in a really cheesy wrapping.
shalasay13 t1_j362fty wrote
But... where is the laser guide?
Evilbit77 t1_j3635vz wrote
Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know cause we’re on a beach. Ok, look, we’re on a beach, we're fighting a guy cosplaying as a motorcycle cult leader, and I have a crossbow and timed explosives. None of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there cause it's my job. Ok, and I can't do my job and babysit. Doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good. I'll send your brother to come find you. But if you step out that door, you are an Avenger.
Jayboots t1_j3638cv wrote
Hawkeye would have been run over.
Robert_Grave t1_j363qgl wrote
Hawkeye would be cursing you trying to sew the guy back together!
its_raining_scotch t1_j363zju wrote
I love HTtH. The rocket launcher to blow up doll scene? Beautiful.
JubbaTheHott t1_j364pqb wrote
I don’t see the snowplow…?
marketable_skills t1_j365d2l wrote
Sounds amazing. Any titles come to mind?
[deleted] t1_j365t2n wrote
Bathroomsteve t1_j365y8f wrote
We have no context, that could have been the thing from The Thing.
Trails2Tomorrow t1_j365z2a wrote
I think she was taping some kind of firework or small fused explosive onto the arrow before she shot it.
mfza t1_j365zh1 wrote
MoreStrangererThings t1_j365zpc wrote
Hard Ticket to Hawaii, The Dallas Connection, Malibu Express, Day of the Warrior... basically any movie from Andy Sidaris.
32mafiaman t1_j366b4b wrote
Now I love these action films and shows from the 70s and 80s. But all of the hip firing in all of them just irritates to no end. Still love them though
Waly98 t1_j366dhk wrote
As he probably rolls around in agony, covered in burning gasoline.
gyanster t1_j366nn4 wrote
They don’t make such bikes anymore 😞
Motchan13 t1_j3691lu wrote
I'm left wondering why did she have some kind of timed explosive device with her for her speargun diving trip
LightsoutSD t1_j36amfi wrote
There’s another Hawkeye?
Stokkolm t1_j36bpoo wrote
To quote a user review from imdb:
>My father and brother would watch this movie together. They knew the plot and lines well enough to recite them, along with the actors. The movie bled over into real life, and they would say the lines to each other when the moment felt right.
>As my father descended into terminal Alzheimer's disease, this film was his one last link with reality. Watching this film would bring him out of his stupor, and he would become verbal again.
>Now that Father is gone, the entire family watches this movie once a year,on Christmas Eve. We make eggnog, eat fruitcake, and wear sweaters. And cry some, too.
renegrape t1_j36brma wrote
We're getting old
BoxytheBandit t1_j36bx14 wrote
Mint Suzuki TS ER!
BoxytheBandit t1_j36bzyq wrote
It's a post 79 TS 185, called an TS ER in Australia. I believe you can still buy them new in Ethiopia. They no longer meet a lot of Western emissions standards.
BoxytheBandit t1_j36c1kt wrote
They are still cool! My dad has a bunch of them!
Ludiam0ndz t1_j36c7zp wrote
Was that the wig that flew off?
DomesticApe23 t1_j36camq wrote
Hard Ticket to Hawaii is the ultimate. Plus it has a kickass theme tune.
ImmortalIronFits t1_j36e0pp wrote
This is an Andy Sidaris movie right? It looks like it.
ctubby766 t1_j36elo9 wrote
Looks like Spielberg's work...
vouteignorar t1_j36elvq wrote
Gotta love these non existing budget productions
europa_bambaataa t1_j36f596 wrote
MazerRakam t1_j36fs98 wrote
I thought I was in the r/Hermitcraft subreddit and this was a reference to Scar.
Vectorman1989 t1_j36hcdl wrote
The horrible soundtrack that sounds like a cheap electronic piano really completes the whole thing
[deleted] t1_j36ik10 wrote
RandomlyConsistent t1_j36jfgv wrote
Isn't that also the film with the razor frisbee kill scene?
DomesticApe23 t1_j36jppj wrote
Hahaha yep. And a giant snake. And the rocket launcher scene. It's fantastic.
Imnotabadman t1_j36jz4x wrote
Not gonna lie, I like that they did an actual explosion. Decent use of practical effects.
BIGMIKE6888 t1_j36kkif wrote
Just the way she drew it up.
prguitarman t1_j36laau wrote
I scanned the comments but didn’t see this answered. What movie is this?
C0LdP5yCh0 t1_j36mitk wrote
"Man, they must be smoking some heavy doobies."
StuiWooi t1_j36ng2h wrote
I thought he was going to run himself over somehow.
Too soon?
hvanderw t1_j36nrvj wrote
Evil Bob Ross
TheHiveminder t1_j36o2mp wrote
The original Hawkeye.
Ofabulous t1_j36pav8 wrote
That’s what I say to myself whenever I kill
mhac009 t1_j36q49r wrote
Absolutely not what I expected that review to be when I started reading it.
anti_pope t1_j36qemy wrote
> Any titties come to mind? how I read this.
Joe_na_hEireann t1_j36qgdo wrote
Ah right, didn't see the 185 badge. But Isn't it weird how it just pops up on my feed after I specially searched for this model yesterday, the video having nothing to do with the make or model of the bike itself.
I get how tracking cookies/ targeted advertising works but there is no tags saying its a TS, nothing. Could some AI tool make out the model by image and stick it under my nose given my search history?
valdemiro t1_j36ryel wrote
Red Letter Media watched Hard Ticket to Hawaii and it was great.
Goadfang t1_j36tujn wrote
OMG I have that dirt bike! It was my 14th birthday present and I could never let it go. Still runs too!
Goddamn 2 stroke BEAST!
Goadfang t1_j36u8gc wrote
Popped up in my feed and I wasn't searching for it, likely just coincidence. I do still own that exact bike though, sitting in my barn right now, still ran last time I kicked it over.
Fleadip t1_j36z4xo wrote
Is it just me, or is this guy the most 80’s guy ever?
weekend-guitarist t1_j3791gg wrote
They all used the same sound effects back then .
Mrhore17 t1_j37f5c8 wrote
Malibu express, the Dallas connection, day of the warrior, do or die, Enemy Gold, Fit to kill, Guns, Hard Hunted, Hard ticket to Hawaii, Picasso tiger, Return to Savage beach.
fangface70 t1_j37rf47 wrote
Is that Barry Gibb?
mechaflame t1_j37wk6p wrote
I read Hawkeye and kept expecting some kind of snowmobile to show up and crush the guy
godofmilksteaks t1_j383y6d wrote
Oh boy, here I go killin again!
godofmilksteaks t1_j3849jb wrote
Busty beach babes blowing up bikes 4
ChocolateB34R t1_j384pke wrote
It was the fist raised in victory for me.
derbbinthenorth t1_j38d80m wrote
Upbeat-Tap-4797 t1_j38dmpn wrote
Hawkeye traveled back in time to learn to shoot from his badass mom before she had him
CPAonVacation t1_j38i0h9 wrote
That’s high quality production there
mitchsn t1_j38n81j wrote
80s Cheese at its finest!
diymatt t1_j38rwn1 wrote
Hawkeye would be pissed.
BJ wants to get the remaining bike parts, and why the hell is Margaret in a bikini?
*cue Korean music over loudspeaker*
thirstwater32k t1_j38wcvx wrote
Damn, throat cancer got him.
Fuck cancer.
sinisterdesign t1_j391akk wrote
Suzuki Dynamite 🧨
BraceThis t1_j3aywa6 wrote
T.JMiller at his best.
lemons714 t1_j3cgf8t wrote
Is this a "Hard Ticket to Hawaii?"
GatoradeNipples t1_j3dgowj wrote
Savage Beach, so you're not too far off!
kaiserbergin t1_j3hj6zi wrote
Body glove. Dang, I miss being by the ocean.
Jcbowden10 t1_j542p2p wrote
I cannot imagine watching these movies with a family member.
travlerjoe t1_j33dnt7 wrote
He would be more impressed if she blew up a snowplough