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Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6keksu wrote

Reply to comment by gylez in Walking parrots by FrankieGS

No fam you can’t. That’s the point. Domesticated parrots are not like a cat or a dog. Even the ones born in captivity exhibit a clear difference in intelligence and behavior. They evolved not only physically, but socially, and physiology. They need the wild and they need a flock. You can never reintroduce a parrot after it has been domesticated. This is because the parrot life bonds emotionally with its owner, and thinks it’s flock is humans. It would be the same as Aliens abducting you as a small child, and raising you in isolation of other humans. So no. Most if not all of the ones you see in zoos and the like are rescues. Ask any educated avian biologist or Veterinarian and they will say the same. They can not proliferate in captivity with out serous issues for their long term survival. There are a few trying to reintroduce with intermediate success, but you have to start when they are younger. Once they completely mature the pattern is set.


rockylizard t1_j6kmofh wrote

without captive breeding, the Spix's Macaw (just as one example) would be extinct.


Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6koq7q wrote

Yes that is why buying one is against most international laws, and it is heavily restricted to research and conversation. But if ever able to be released it will never be the real Spix. It’s the same difference between a dog and a wolf. By breading them in captivity we fundamentally change them. Different genes are passed on when organisms are in different environments. So they will evolve to something else. The real Spix died off a few decades ago from poaching for pets, and habitat destruction. Now we keep a few alive to sate a guilty conscience. But screw it fam, y’all don’t want to hear it so I’m just going to bounce. Love ya fam.


SoSorryItsTheMoops t1_j6l69yf wrote

The dog/wolf comparison isn’t quite right. Dogs were domesticated over tens of thousands of years via selective breeding for traits that suited a peridomestic lifestyle. The Spix macaws that were reintroduced are the progeny of a handful of adults who’ve been in captivity for less than a generation, some of whom were likely wild-caught themselves. Is that a genetic bottleneck? Yes. Is it selection for pet traits? Not remotely. Plus, macaws regularly form mixed-species flocks, so their “culture” is perhaps not irretrievably lost if there are Illiger’s macaws in the area.

Edit: a word


DirtyProtest t1_j6lgxey wrote

He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

I 100% agree the wild bird trade is abhorrent and is driven by people buying these birds. Captive bred birds... well its all down to the owner.

I have a grey and she is a wonderfully happy bird. Can be N absolute dick when she wants but most parrots can.


CianuroConLove t1_j6kqk2d wrote

You know, that same argument can somehow be used for racism. Some humans in x part of the world are less because their genes are not as original or pure because they are more mixed or whatever…

For me, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s a damn duck.


Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6ksjyi wrote

Really? Racism huh? So that’s how you silent your opponents. By implying they haters. That’s messed up fam. Also last I checked no one is killing off every human except the ones in jail… also in order for you to think that you have to think that there are different species of humans as well. Or did you not think about what you were saying? Just looking to bash on someone who has a different opinion than you do. Well fam no, no reasonable educated adult is going to read it and think that. Only some one immature and only looking to cause pain, because someone dared to question their subjective value on life.

Grow up fam. Love ya.


CianuroConLove t1_j6kst88 wrote

I don’t think you are my opponent or a hater.

It was just an observation.

I mean a lot of animals kill their own species and they kill other animals.. you arguments are kinda dumb and empty lol

Edit to say: dolphins rape each other, so that means it’s ok to rape? A lot of animals kill each other and younglings or abandon their offspring… so if they do it it’s ok for humans to do it?

I’m just trying to get you to understand that your analogies as you are presenting them, don’t work. And if a spix is still alive and we can someday release it back into the wild, that’s a win.


Rabid_Kiwi t1_j6kukbq wrote

Bull shit. You know what you were implying. Also applying human ethics to animals behaviors is how the world got this fucked up to start with. Some mother spiders get eaten by their young. Nature is brutal fam, why these animals evolved the way they did. We aren’t the judges of their societies or behaviors. You know what, fuck it fam. You have a good life. I’m done with your petty nonsense.


CianuroConLove t1_j6kvgio wrote

I seriously don’t know what you think I was implying more than what I’m writing lol, bit paranoid eh?

Sure I’m the one speaking nonsense “fam”


Flecca t1_j6kwhbe wrote

Its a damn shame yall are being downvoted. People care more about owning other living beings than those living beings well being. Fucking disgusting


LongBongJohnSilver t1_j6leupq wrote

I've helped breed birds most of my life, and I've concluded they aren't very good pets. They develop romantic bonds to people that can't (shouldn't) come to fruition. It's one thing to keep an aviary, but all these people doing what amounts to foreplay with them isn't what's best.


MisogynyisaDisease t1_j6n4e07 wrote

Thank you for being sane about this.

I've always wanted an African Grey, but I won't do it until I'm in a position to give a rescue the most time and best exercise and living environment I can.

I'll stick with dogs, who are perfectly happy to just snuggle and go on runs/hikes and chew the countless rawhides I've gifted them.