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AbbottsOnion t1_jaeu23l wrote

I think you will have to wait until FIIO adds PEQ to one of their larger DAPs for a proper solution.


MyUserNameIsTooLong1 OP t1_jaexjsz wrote

I mean its on the m17. Doesn't get larger than that, but that thing is awfully expensive and I wouldn't be using a single feature on it except the PEQ (which isn't even on the device, unlike the 5k) and tidal. Seems like a waste, and I dont trust that fiio is going to have indefinite amount of time supporting it before it simply stops working. The devices themselves don't have the dsp chip to do PEQ, its pure software. The 5k and RME products are some of the very few that are actually hardware encoded DSP chips. A shame its so rare.