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t1_jac4q61 wrote

Palette ❤️


OP t1_jac6eo3 wrote

Can’t get enough IU


t1_jacm0wr wrote

her song "the shower" has incredible production. definitely worth a listen for any audiophile.


OP t1_jacthex wrote

Will need to give it a listen

Edit: such a good song, really need to go and listen to more of her songs, missed gems in her discography


t1_jadz8hr wrote

Where are you downloading 24bit hi-res music?


t1_jaeob2y wrote

Get deezer hifi and deemix


t1_jaeprmd wrote

I used the Deemix app a while back. But the cred numbers would get cancelled constantly and it was hard to get new ones :(


t1_jaev8c5 wrote

Right! She's such a great singer. I LOVE gaeul achim, autum wind i think it is when translated, but its just so good.


OP t1_jabx0aa wrote

The arias being the first iem I got into, over the past few months, I have accumulated more audio gear with the shanling m3x and hd6xx being the latest pickups and I’m thoroughly enjoying the new world that this hobby has brought me. The 6xx being my most used item at the moment, I find myself switching between them and the tangzus, and I’ve definitely noticed a difference when compared to something like AirPods even though I’m a noob when it comes to judging sound quality.


t1_jaevld4 wrote

Ahh I would 100% recommend grados. Cheap, great, and different. Other than that my absolute favourite headphones are hifiman sundaras, but those are around 350$. I would also venture a look into kinera iems, they make great stuff.


t1_jaby9fp wrote

You’d be better off buying 2 pair of good cans (or 1 IEM and 1 can) instead of sidegrading a lot. But that’s just my opinion, nice collection tho


OP t1_jabz39l wrote

Yeah that’s a fair point, definitely something I need to keep in mind for the future but I do seem to use iems when I’m out over full cans


t1_jabxo6v wrote

What brand is aria cable ? Looks nice !


OP t1_jabz72d wrote

Tripowin zonie, I bought it because I had issues with sound cutting out in one side, I changed filters and everything and wasn’t fixed until I grabbed a new cable


t1_jaevrbi wrote

Does it fit in the original case? I'm just about to buy it as well but I'm a bit scared at the heft of the 16 cores, if there was just a thinner 8 core version at the same price I would probably buy it


t1_jac3ff6 wrote

Try all BA iem like sony ier m9 you will be amazed by how good the sound isolation is


OP t1_jac43l0 wrote

I hear a lot of good things about the different Sony ier models so I hope to demo them someday, as it’s 1500 aud and not willing to spend that much at the moment but all ba and maybe est is something to look into


t1_jac6zxw wrote

Nice, btw what dap is that?


OP t1_jac8vbq wrote

Shanling m3x


t1_jaccryq wrote

How’s the HD6xx - m3x pairing?


OP t1_jacepha wrote

It’s great, in my opinion, it runs the headphones pretty easily as I can comfortably listen to music at around 30 on the dap, listening on high gain and dual dac mode. I’m still somewhat new to daps but I think it’s a good start


t1_jacp74k wrote

I love Palette by IU!!!

And about getting out of hand, I actually think you have just started! /s


OP t1_jactwbt wrote

My bank account says otherwise, I do hope to get another set of cans in the future, maybe a planar


t1_jacq5rh wrote

How's the Hexa?


OP t1_jacv8vg wrote

The hexa has been talked about by everyone but I’ve personally enjoyed it, it’s warm and neutral, and can pretty much pull off most genres, I just find the shape and size of nozzle a downside for my ears as I usually have to adjust them or they’ll start becoming irritating


t1_jaduii7 wrote

How is that compared to the Aria?


OP t1_jaeottg wrote

Aria seems to be more v shaped with more bass and treble and overall better fit for me compared to the hexa but both still solid iems


t1_jad3swo wrote


What's that keeb though?

OP t1_jad5lq4 wrote

It’s nothing crazy, just an akko acr too 75 with akko vintage white switches and poly caps seal keycaps. First custom keeb I built


t1_jacueb8 wrote

I can see that there might be some problem here


OP t1_jacvgvt wrote

I find myself getting into the expensive hobbies, film cameras, keyboards and now headphones/iems. Not good for the funds


t1_jadbt4n wrote

IU was so good in "My Mister." Great actress as well as singer..


t1_jaclb91 wrote

Nice! I have the Hexa and OG Wu Zetian myself, they compliment each other really well. I never tried the Aria but I have a T3+ which is comparable. I had the Cadenza but returned it because it was just like a baby T3 to me, so I couldn't see myself using it much.


OP t1_jacs1vj wrote

Solid iems imo, I find it hard myself to listen to all of them as I end up using the wu zetian over the others


t1_jadbkge wrote

Do you like the hexa or the blue cabled iem (can’t remember the name) ?


OP t1_jaekhdb wrote

I find that I use the blue cabled iem (tangzu wu zetian heyday) more simply do to fit and comfort


t1_jadryql wrote

How are you liking the Hexa's? Mine aren't coming in for like two months


OP t1_jaeolue wrote

I’ve made a comment about it in another reply, but it’s good and suits what I like to listen to, don’t think you’ll regret it


t1_jaemaim wrote

How are the Tang zu, I'm heavily thinkimg of getting those


OP t1_jaepqis wrote

It’s good given I haven’t listened to any other planar iems, the treble isn’t so bad for my ears from what I’ve heard about planar iems and if it’s tuned to your liking, I think it’s a great alternative to the other planars out there simply based on the reviews


t1_jabzwxr wrote

Is there anything specific you're looking for with your purchases?


OP t1_jac1k0b wrote

Honestly, not entirely sure what my ideal sound is, I first bought the aria and wanted less bass so I got the hexa, then the cadenza as my first cheap iem and tangzu as my first planar iem. I got the 6xx as my first ‘audiophile’ headphone so I’m just judging what suits me the most


t1_jac35vy wrote

You would probably like the unique melody mest, but that's endgame territory.


OP t1_jac3t9r wrote

Definitely not in the financial position to be spending nearly 2500 aud on an iem but if I ever get a chance to demo, I will, thanks


t1_jacm0us wrote

Which iem is good for competitive gaming ? I just bought a blon bl03, i love them but i also wanted to try moondrop chu but i dont think i can afford more than one iem. Can you tell me from your experience how these 2 differ ?


OP t1_jactf14 wrote

I’m sure you could look up full reviews relating to competitive gaming, I’ve seen a few videos by fresh reviews as he mainly focuses on the gaming aspects, also, I’m not too familiar with blon but I’d say the hexa is a solid iem for gaming, it has good detail separation as well as spatial awareness. I’ve also heard the truthear zero to be a good budget iem and the new moondrop lan having a similar fr to the chu but with detachable cable seems like a better set imo.


t1_jad2zah wrote

I think a Seeaudio bravery, B2D, or even the variations/DUNU SA6 will be a massive step up for you, with a slightly more neutral tuning than the HD6xx. Easier to drive, of course, and the differences between IEMs being closed back and closer to the ear with detail retrieval.

Ideally the next step, if you'd like to stick to DAPs + IEMs would be the IE600 + Thieaudio monarch mkII/Softears RSV + Hiby RS2/FiiO M11s/Lotoo PAW 5000 MKII


OP t1_jad5el3 wrote

Definitely, pretty much everything you’ve listed is something I’d like to listen to in the future especially tbe b2d, ie600 and the fiio m11s

Recently got the Shanling m3x and so far it’s been a good cheap dap to start with, since I got it off eBay so I’m curious what upgrading to something like the m11s would be like


t1_jad67o2 wrote

Not much of a difference in sound, driving power would improve and maybe some technicalities would come forward in different IEMs. If you purchase it, do it for the features or for the battery (since you bought your model from Ebay).

The biggest difference always comes from IEMs. I would even take the Hiby R3 Pro Sabre 2022 with expensive/better IEMs than a better DAP if the p2p power output is enough


OP t1_jad7he2 wrote

I’ve been getting by just fine with this dap so I guess investing in better iems is the way to go, appreciate the insight


t1_jadry95 wrote

I see moondrop aria . Do you love em ? I’m thinking of buying.


OP t1_jaekug4 wrote

I think there’s so much new stuff coming out nowadays and you could find stuff that’s better for cheaper but it really depends on what you listen to


t1_jae21zc wrote

Keyboard, mouse, and headphones game on point.


t1_jae9itz wrote

Yeah I can relate, I own way too many audio products. Especially if you include Bluetooth, I must own a million neck bands (you can get them super cheap which is one reason I collected so many).

I have too many phones and tablets as well.


t1_jaeaesr wrote

Looks like a fun collection! How are you liking the M3X? What app do you use to play music?

I’ve been using it pretty much since it released and love it except for a few small issues (screen isn’t super responsive, no gapless playback in the Shanling app). I use Foobar2000 fpr my library.


OP t1_jaen4sh wrote

It’s good, as an intro to daps, it’s providing me with what I would want with portable lossless audio. I mainly use uapp as I like interface more.

I agree that the software and its responsiveness is a letdown as it can get a bit sluggish at times


t1_jaetq9d wrote

you can always send me one of these


t1_jaeuzda wrote

Ahh it always does doesn't it?


t1_jaew94o wrote

Which keycap set is this?


Also, what's the appeal of IEMs?


OP t1_jaey06c wrote

Poly caps seal

Just a different way of listening from headphones, can be more convenient in some cases and easier to drive compared to something like headphones


t1_jadzv8x wrote

it is not a hobby anymore, it is an addiction.


t1_jae9r9r wrote

Yeah after a while I had to just start policing myself. Don't buy any new s*** until something you currently own breaks.

If I see a new IEM instead of getting hyped up about it, I just think to myself "in 18 months I might be able to find this for $0.30 on the dollar."


t1_jae32b9 wrote

That's a lot of chifi there. What made you buy 2 pairs of iems in the same price bracket?


OP t1_jaemkiz wrote

I’m assuming you’re talking about the aria and hexa, I think I just wanted something different to listen to but I can’t lie as I did watch the reviews and was swayed by the hexa


t1_jaen9re wrote

I don’t understand why people buying multiple kinds of entry level stuff, u could just save the money get a mid tier IEM and it is far more enjoyable.


OP t1_jaeq5m0 wrote

To each is own I guess, I do think that from now I’ll stay away from the budget stuff


t1_jaes24h wrote

Four of $100 IEM, you could get a much better $400 low-mid tier one, like Variation. I remember I used to like Aria, then after I bought IE600 and one day went back to Aria, I was like “OMG, this IEM (Aria) sounds so muddy and bad”


t1_jaeqs6u wrote

Starts to worries when gets out of ears. Or money.