
AnotherSpecificDuck t1_je5ssx0 wrote

Yeah I bought the XENNS TOP after seeing a review (freshreviews). Mainly I wanted a pair of IEMs that so well in gaming and also SOUND good. I never thought I’d ever buy IEMs over 100€ and got the Kato. Nice sounding but lacking bass and sounding a bit clinical.

Then I thought I’d never pay oder 200€ and got the Hook X. Better in the bass department, still lacking stage but good imaging and overall tonality. But uncomfortable, they really hurt my ears after half an hour.

So guess who never thought of paying 530€ for a pair of IEMs. And still bought them. Obviously me.

And I don’t regret it, they sound phenomenal. Really comfortable even with my smol ears and a soundstage that rivals my headphones. I don’t have to tell you the details, they are In the review but damn those Tops are really good


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_je0xb11 wrote

More harmanish tuning, still a bit brighter tho (compared to tuning them with oratory EQ).

They definetly have more but not as punchy bass and lack a bit of the clears dynamics.

They have good imaging but can’t really make sounds come from behind you if that makes sense (at least while playing games they didn’t do that well), while imaging from left to right is quite good tho.

They are really clear too and don’t lack too much of stage compared to the clears (they kinda have the same soundstage tbh).

The stock cables are better with the radiances but still awfully uncomfortable to use.


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_jdzyh12 wrote

It depends on what sound you like. The. Have a small soundstage and are very open. They have great dynamics and the bass has a good punch to it even tho it rolls of and lacks a bit of sub bass.

They sound really detailed and clear, have nice and a bit forward mids, with clean highs that aren’t as sharp as Beyers.

I like them overall and if you like sennheisers I believe you will like the clears too.


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_jdzfsi0 wrote

Probably space and positions of the speakers. In an IEM the sound goes right inside your ears. Speakers stand in your room far enough away to not make the sound come from different angles. Having the drivers close to your ear in different positions may make the sound come from different angles and thus making positional audio worse.

Other than that it’s probably just not as practical.

You can also take a look into the 1 more Tripple


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_ja2mpg0 wrote

I found the 560s a bit boring too, doesn’t mean it’s a bad headphone. But you have to get used to a new pair of cans sometimes. And switching between 2 phones all the time does not give your brain enough time to adapt. If you totally can’t stand them, sure return them but I’d try to use only them for a few days and if you still hate them you can return them.

Other than that I really hate how the community hates on V shaped cans sometimes. V shape does not make a set of phones Bad it makes it different like all headphones are.

And bass is like the fat in food, it gives a good and tasty base for everything around. And like in food too much isn’t good and too little isn’t good either. And everyone prefers a different dose of it.


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_j6n000u wrote

You won’t need an amp for them even tho I personally would go for a combo unit (dac and amp in one) because it’s more convenient and is a bit more future proof if you want to upgrade one day.

The XLR is only on the headphone side and the others already stated and 3.5mm in the other side


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_j5svp5g wrote

For gaming and multimedia I’d recommend the MMX 300 gen 2. yes it’s a headset BUT it sound phenomenal. Good build quality and it’s based on 770s. They have real impressive soundstage for a closed back headphone and the microphone is also really good.

If you’re just looking for headphones I’d take the 770s for closed back and the 900 pro x for open backs. But you’ll need a extra microphone for them if you want to communicate