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ZealousidealTouch893 t1_jaclh6c wrote

Beginner? The level is high


dib1999 t1_jadx2xz wrote

I went to check the price on that DAP and they offered me a monthly payment higher than the cost of my grados


lefterisven OP t1_jacmoho wrote

I am new to the audiophile world. I have seen setups costing same as a car.


FlyGodd t1_jadamo1 wrote

That’s like saying a bmw m5 is beginner because some people have Bugattis lol


jsnxander t1_jadondv wrote

Here in my town, a 3 series BMW is still Buffy and Buff's 16th birthday gift of choice. We're holding the line at M Series...


zooanimals666 t1_jackz2k wrote

Tool is so good it's unfair


lefterisven OP t1_jacl16c wrote

Great production too.


HAL-Over-9001 t1_jaeoy1o wrote

The day Fear Inoculum came out, I ate 4.5 grams of shrooms, cleared out my living room, put my lazy boy in the middle of the room, turned my towers towards me, waiting for them to kick in, and listened to the entire album. My only regret is not having a subwoofer at the time...


xXDistilledWaterXx t1_jaezwom wrote

Isn't there a shit ton of clipping in the fear inoculum album? It's really bothering in my own opinion


stellywags t1_jacuvma wrote

i wouldn't say that's a beginner setup! The Ibasso players are fantastic. If your looking to expand on your Ibasso, i would highly recommend the Amp13 card. I just listened to my buddy's this past weekend. Seriously is making me consider selling my Dx240 so i can get a 320 with the warm little Nu-tube card.


lefterisven OP t1_jacw4q4 wrote

Seriously considering it!


i-nioh t1_jaegpzz wrote

AMP13 sucks. I have it. Bloated bass and muddy details. Try the newer AMP14. Same Nutube as in AMP13 but tuned for more details and still having that tube sound ! Also AMP14 has balanced out and dedicated line out while AMP13 only has 3.5mm headphone outs.


lcarr15 t1_jadz4hb wrote

Congrats! But… starting with the flagship of ibasso and the flagship of shure I hardly can call it “beginner” setup…🤣🤣🤣


ksc75mod t1_jacgbzi wrote

Who else imagined Danny Carey playing this live?


lefterisven OP t1_jacggiu wrote

I imagined an octopus playing it. Kind of the same thing.


noobzforhire t1_jacw9iq wrote

What are your fav tracks off this album?


spouting-nonsense t1_jadrhhs wrote

Mood depending for me. In love with all the tracks except Culling Voices. That one is just great. But never a favorite. Most frequent play for me? Descending.


MattiahCL t1_jadtxe0 wrote

>Culling Voices

such an underrated masterpiece


12eriks t1_jadjr7g wrote

Does this set really cost more than 2k? Google showed me prices over 1k for each


lefterisven OP t1_jadkoky wrote

I paid 1500EUR for the iBasso and 1k+ for the Shures.


Floatmcgoat t1_jadlrb8 wrote

Yeah this aint a beginner setup but it is sick


jsnxander t1_jadpew3 wrote

Great setup for a pauper...


Chok3U t1_jadyawl wrote

I didn't know that Shure was still making new iem's. I've had the 215's for probably close to twenty years. They haven't aged well though.


timeandmemory t1_jael3oh wrote

Congrats! Also of note, if you want to EQ in native android using Wavelet or something similar you can update to their new Android 11 build if you have not already. Welcome to the team music enjoyer.


csch1992 t1_jaegho1 wrote

no i am not jealous! i will keep my lovely Fiio Fh5s!


throwAway9293770 t1_jada9q3 wrote

shure house sound is amazing. loved my 846s. Lost them at O’Hare :(


Waitwhonow t1_jadro75 wrote

How good are the shures?


lefterisven OP t1_jae8lcz wrote

Excellent iems. Would recommend.


Waitwhonow t1_jaf0wti wrote

Have the se 535s

Have you tried them? And how good are these compared to the 535s?


Coalbus t1_jadvsus wrote

Curious as well. They don’t get talked about as much here.


lefterisven OP t1_jadwa86 wrote

Personally I love them. Nice and balanced sound. They’ve been around for so many years for a reason (I own gen2).


ajjjas t1_jaednff wrote

I absolutely love mine. I bought mine as my first really big headphone purchase and have been underwhelmed by nearly everything else I've tried since. The sound sig is just perfect for my tastes, and the isolation is top notch. I traveled with them for business for 10 years before my first pair broke, probably 20 hours of use a week average. I immediately bought a second pair. The only thing that's trumped them for me has been the Shure KSE1500 setup. I picked it up when it went on sale a couple years ago and haven't looked back.


poilsoup2 t1_jadzs58 wrote

They used to be a lot more popular. I owned a pair probs 6-7 years ago and wasnt a huge fan. I liked my hyla CE5s more


naldo4142 t1_jaecq0s wrote

I’m curious about your opinion on the buds , what quality of sound would you compare them to if any ? I use to use the XR20I buds from Klipsch but they need repairing so I’m using the 1more buds and not that they don’t sound good but they are not the same and shure is one of the brands I was researching when I got the 1more buds so I’m curious if I should save to upgrade. An could use some opinions on other brands sound quality, comfort stuff like that if you don’t mind sharing. Thanks


i-nioh t1_jaeh35j wrote

Is this the new Gen2 Shure with the red filter ? How is it ? I have the iBasso DX320 as well and one of my IEMs is the first gen Shure SE846.


LArule19 t1_jaeo4bj wrote

Fyi, there are simple, reversible mods that you can do that, imo, make the se846 sounds many times better than stock. I understand if you don't wanna mess with your 900$ iems but let me know if you do


Jodiac7 t1_jaeso0o wrote

An ibasso dap is NOT a beginner setup. Lol I hope you're enjoying it.


MatthewC33 t1_jaeuh6b wrote

What app is this that he is using?