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radrod69 t1_ja524z6 wrote

You know, I resent snake oil as much as the next guy, but in my opinion this statement is going too far. Detail is as much a made up term as any other descriptor we have to talk about our hobby. We may not know yet what aspects of a frequency response to attribute to this quality, but we can still experience it, and we need to be able to talk about it without the need to shout boogeyman.


thatcarolguy t1_ja8rs77 wrote

We do know what aspects of the frequency response contribute. Literally all of them.


radrod69 t1_jadijef wrote

When I say what aspects of the frequency response, I mean what distinctive features may cause us to experience a heightened sense of detail compared to others.


thatcarolguy t1_jadj1iv wrote

It's the lack of distinctive features. Detail is just hearing what you want to hear. If your expectations are broad and balanced (Ie, not just honing in on what helps you hear the singer's fart at 1:37 the best) then to hear the proper detail you want a smooth response with rises in the right areas (ear gain) and no big spikes or elevated regions that mask detail in adjacent regions.

But if you are hung up on the singer's fart then you are listening for a distinctive elevation in whatever frequency region helps you hear that at the expense of other details.


[deleted] t1_ja52tf5 wrote


LITERALLY NO ONE has an example of what "detail" is.

Detail is like Bigfoot. They all pretend as though its there and assure you that they know how it looks but they actually cannot show you evidence.

I am not shouting boogeyman, mate. I am GENUINELY angry that everyone just accepts it that a term, which NOONE as a clear and precise definition, nor an example for, is used as a differentiator between headphones.

Imagine me differentiating cars based on their "schlorpiness". I can feel how schlorpy a car is, after the first five minutes, trust me.


radrod69 t1_ja5593r wrote

I don't appreciate you all capping at me, first of all, homie.

Which terms used to differentiate headphones have a clear and precise definition?

Edit: Before you try to derail the conversation further, I mean in terms of sound.


[deleted] t1_ja6mllv wrote

your inability to understand written english is shocking...

Were we not talking about detail?????

Jesus Christ, education has gone down the shitter....
