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zaq9339 t1_jecsj9d wrote

He is not to be mentioned here. He is considered a 'subversive element' acting to the detriment of the sacred hobby of audiophilia 😆

Make no mistake, I'm no fan of his delivery, I called him out on this once or twice myself. But apart from being unlikable to the general public (and the business side of things) I imagine he doesn't have many fans here for the same reasons a lot of people prefer r/headphones, Head-Fi or their favorite nonscientific youtubers over ASR. Science and snake oil don't go well together. Kinda takes the magical element out of what is for the most part a wild goose chase.

Flame away 🔥


spartaman64 t1_jed4isd wrote

idk all i know was seeing him in a discord claiming he knows exactly how a transducer sounds by just looking at the graph and simulating it in his brain LUL


zaq9339 t1_jed7ff7 wrote

That's the edgy way of delivering the objectivist line 'this measures well/bad therefore hi/lo-fi'. He is an edgelord but he knows a thing or to. If anything people should get mad not at what he says but how he says it. You can really try his latest video. I think it's an honest effort.


spartaman64 t1_jed7l61 wrote

Nah he claimed to know exactly how the Soundstage, imaging, dynamics etc of a headphone is just from simulating it in his brain LUL