Submitted by No-Zone3174 t3_11tmzhb in headphones

Hi all - looking to change the battery on these as starting to run low - actually doing it is fine, but trying to find anywhere that supplies these (without eBay/AliExpress) is becoming difficult.

Just wondering if anyone knew of someone selling them in the UK, or perhaps Europe?

Worst case, and AliExpress sellers that are trusted and won't be fake batteries? For context it's a varta cp1254 a3

Thanks in advance all!



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Muttywango t1_jcjv2vh wrote


No-Zone3174 OP t1_jcjv56o wrote

That's the one - yes. Seems like a massive price inflation over the actual cost of them though?


No-Zone3174 OP t1_jcjv7uz wrote

Also was slightly concerned they'd removed the name, so not varta quality?


Muttywango t1_jcjvpz9 wrote

A very good point! I'm slightly dubious of the "Varta Cheap Batteries" category.


Edit : to be fair it says "high-quality alternatives " in the description.


COD_F1sh t1_jcjz46o wrote

I've seen them on aliexpress. Customer reviews are good. The sellers also seem to have a decent rating. Are there really fakes out there?


No-Zone3174 OP t1_jcki6pb wrote

I would assume so? Seems odd a German battery manufacturer would ship to China to then ship back into Europe?


COD_F1sh t1_jcl9eve wrote

point. maybe they are a german company but manufacture their batteries in china? idk.