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AntOk463 t1_jdujcvh wrote

Speaker measurement is a lot more complicated than headphone measurement. A headphone measurement rig can accommodate basically all headphone types and or can be tested in many locations. Changing location does not impact the headphone's sound, it's going to be the same everywhere. But for speakers, sound bounces off of surroundings and the shadow of the room will impact the sound of speakers (less relevant for laptop speakers, but same points). That's why it's easy to have a database of all headphone measurements. In order to measure speakers you will need to do it yourself in your normal environment, take measurements from different points in your room, and use a specialized microphone for precise readings. You can't simply have a database of all speakers, and using those measurements for an EQ will not work.


EzzoMahfouz OP t1_jdvrm5k wrote

Yeah that tracks. Might actually take the time and tune a preset myself.


AntOk463 t1_jdvs00x wrote

I wanted to make an eq for my laptop, but it would sound different if I'm using it at my desk, lap, or bed. So I just made an amplifier EQ. I have an EQ profile which is flat but has a +10 dB pre amp. I turn this on if I'm watching a video thats too quiet, I know the speakers can go louder, it's just the video isn't loud enough.


EzzoMahfouz OP t1_jdyf2xw wrote

Cool you set that up. I’m gonna check that out because that might work for me as well.