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t1_iugt14y wrote

Who is tyll?


OP t1_iugvtro wrote

Innerfidelity (not to be confused with Crinacle's inearfidelity). The guy is the "godfather of headphones". He made headphones "famous" (i.e. made it known on the enthusiast level). He also pioneered measuring headphones.


t1_iugvyaj wrote

Interesting, surprised this is my first hearing of him


t1_iuh07kf wrote

He retired 4 years ago and his website was pretty much wiped. Now he travels in a tiny home he built himself. But yeah, before most of the known reviewers that are around now, Tyll was making youtube reviews and posting measurments on his website


OP t1_iugy3p1 wrote

Yeah i was like am i this old? Tbf stereophile kinda deleted his legacy


t1_iuinp8a wrote

I hate it because so many links on older forums and reviews go to his website but it’s all gone :(


t1_iuhsvbh wrote

Untyll he bought another set.


t1_iuhohon wrote

The only thing you can enjoy about them is the silence of you don't put music on.


t1_iuju0z8 wrote

To be honest I quite enjoyed my wife's Bose SoundTrue Around Ear (Gen 2, wired and not noise cancelling).

It's the most comfortable headphone I've ever used, 2nd most comfortable I give to Sony MDR-1AM2.

I just really like the sound tuning / balance despite it doesn't have the resolution of my current daily driver Lawton TH900 with Violectric V200.

But I still find the Bose really enjoyable!


t1_iuhxoha wrote

Unfortunately Bose makes the best ANC headphones, not really much of a choice besides them


t1_iui34on wrote

Sony makes better ones when it comes to hardware. They last generally longer than Bose, but I do like the Bose sound over all better. The noise canceling of Sony is better in my opinion. Observed several Sony/Bose bluetooth headsets over several years.


t1_iui7oa3 wrote

Yeah, technically Sony makes ANC headphones aswell, but they sound so awfull that i wouldn't even consider buying them, and when it comes to the microphones the Bose also do incredibly well in loud environments


t1_iujj92k wrote

I've had multiple pairs of Sony's flagship headphones and earbuds and have no major complaints, and sound quality is actually surprisingly good if you use the in-app EQ. I daily drive a pair of XM4's when I'm out of the house, and even though I choose to use my wired pairs when I'm at home or whenever it's convenient, the XM4's are champions for the Bluetooth over-ear experience.


t1_iuihlr9 wrote

Maybe five years ago that was true. Today there are a number of competitors in that space.


t1_iuill2m wrote

Doubt it, i was shopping for ANC headphone half a year ago and Bose were the only ones i found worth buying


t1_iuiyb42 wrote

Honestly, hard disagree. Sony’s have about comparable ANC and their sound signature is just slightly less bloated, to the point they can be EQ’d to be reasonable. And expensive as they might be, Airpods Max are also shockingly good


t1_iuj8wrn wrote

I thought the AirPods max have terrible voice handling, hard pass on that one