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SeeminglyUselessData t1_ir7i51c wrote

THD is very useful to determine how a headphone will handle EQ. What authority do you have to declare the driver being far from good? The tuning is flat (by design) sure, but you have no way of comparing the driver design and quality to Sony or Bose.


IMKGI t1_ir7jdda wrote

I don't need to compare the drivers directly, I can just look at measurements from different headphones and compare those, it gives you a good understanding on how good a driver/headphone performs, realistically noone is going to EQ to a point where the distortion starts playing a role, and if you are one of those people who actually does, ok, it is a important to you but you should also recognise that you are in the minority, I also don know what you mean with "flat" tuning, if you are referring to the Airpods, they are considered to be U-shaped, what about other aspects I take I to account when buying a headphone like detail retrieval, imaging and sounds, are they suddenly not relevant anymore or is there something I am missing?


Fullyverified t1_ir96ulh wrote

Anyone on this subreddit talking about headphones is in the minority, so it applies to all of us.

Distortion is definitely an issue. Bass just sounds different on my 650s than it does on my LCD-Xs (after eq). It has this softness / fuzziness to it - and when you look at the distortion measurements it makes perfect sense.


CALL_ME_AT_9AM t1_ir9bhk0 wrote

>realistically noone is going to EQ to a point where the distortion starts playing a role

and then there's audeze shipping their isine and lcd i series with wonkyass tunings and fixes them with brute force +- 16 dB EQ in their cables lol