Submitted by UnnecessaryMovements t3_z7ff15 in headphones
UnnecessaryMovements OP t1_iy6gv30 wrote
Cause it's more convenient and I don't have to transfer all my collection to my audio player. It's inaudible anyway especially in my usecase which is traveling. I just keep my collection just in case I need it (like when I don't have internet to stream). Also, I don't have 4tb of storage in my phone.
UnnecessaryMovements OP t1_iy6gyqb wrote
And I am just too lazy to convert my lossless collection to lossy.
csch1992 t1_iy6h5ca wrote
But do you listen to all your 4tb? How many tracks do you have? I would just put all my favorite tracks on my player
UnnecessaryMovements OP t1_iy6hx8o wrote
3k in my phone. The 4tb is divided into different Bluray, DVD-A, and SACDs. One Bluray is about 10GB. The biggest is around 42GB IIRC (John Lennon).
KiyPhi t1_iy6l7rh wrote
I unironically started with lossless that way. You used to have devices only support some formats so you had to convert and having lossless to start from meant you had the best conversion. After a while, having a ton on FLAC meant I didn't want anything new to not be FLAC, it wouldn't match the rest!
lickmyclit6969 t1_iy6rix8 wrote
Finally i can relate to this sub
BlueSwordM t1_iy6t9ee wrote
I mean, it makes perfect sense.
Always keep the highest quality copies available for archiving and transcoding into future more efficient formats.
hextanerf t1_iy6uzhk wrote
we got pampered
hothorseraddish t1_iy6z2pu wrote
To be honest nothing beats CD audio in my opinion
neon_overload t1_iy6zvhg wrote
Like how years ago I ripped and converted my DVDs and now I want to rip them all again and keep them in their bit-exact MPEG-2 format for archival reasons
zoinkability t1_iy70g8x wrote
I stick with lossless in case by some miracle I get cans or ears that can tell the difference.
Honestly, hard drives are cheap enough nowadays that even lossless files don’t cost much to store. So why not.
brendendas t1_iy70rqd wrote
As someone who's getting back into high-res audio after a long time, where are you guys buying/downloading your high-res flac files from?
vincentquy t1_iy711eb wrote
I'm in this picture. I like it.
UnnecessaryMovements OP t1_iy712zm wrote
spacewalk__ t1_iy719sp wrote
me on the left. flac takes space for less compatibility
futafrenzy t1_iy71lnl wrote
yea i've got plenty of HDDs and just convert stuff to ogg for phone usage
brendendas t1_iy71rny wrote
I'd like to know more, can I DM you?
goldennugget t1_iy73jyl wrote
/u/brendendas after posting this comment.
Un111KnoWn t1_iy73v91 wrote
what its flac not compatible with?
ExiledSanity t1_iy74hky wrote
Flair does have a lot of Bluetooth for this sub.
ExiledSanity t1_iy74kzt wrote
So hard to pick my favorites though.
brendendas t1_iy74xck wrote
Haha I do most of my listening on a Focal 5.1. Didn't add it to my flair as it doesn't come under headphones.
[deleted] t1_iy755vl wrote
Gramage t1_iy777b8 wrote
If I'm being real honest? I can't tell the difference between a 320mp3 and a CD. Though to be fair I haven't listened to a CD in over a decade. That was my impression last time I did though
Sarin10 t1_iy778lp wrote
personally it's for music discoverability. i find 95% of my new music through spotify.
GOBBLESHNOB t1_iy77f4f wrote
I'm happy that people are becoming more aware of audiophile bs now
maximus488 t1_iy78h9f wrote
For buying music I get a lot of stuff off Bandcamp, you can download the music in multiple different formats including lossless formats. And i know that Qobuz also sells music in high-res lossless formats with the ability to download the music files.
LustraFjorden t1_iy78mzj wrote
On top of that, Spotify uses ogg vorbis.
But yes. Convenience beats everything when the trade-off is minuscule.
klogg4 t1_iy78zk9 wrote
I convert to Opus VBR 256 kbps. There isn't a single sample in the universe that gives me audible difference this way.
iak_sakkakth t1_iy79gcj wrote
At my 42 years I don't think I will ever use streaming services, I went from cassettes to CDs to Napster to Kazaa to edonkey to the pirate bay, and I plan to keep it that way
futafrenzy t1_iy7avna wrote
I'd probably do the same but my dumb brain goes, "500 = bigger so it better"
PersonOfInternets t1_iy7axej wrote
Pretty close!! The only difference is flac is an audio format and I don't know if you're aware but mpeg-2 is a video format, so it's slightly different. Try not to downvote!
Sorry 'try not downvote' is a game I like to play sometime, kinda like those try not to sing along playlists. Everyone thinks they can just not but then when the moment comes it just takes one little click to show me how much I'm getting on your nerves and should just shut up.
Edit: haha I'm winning so much
klogg4 t1_iy7bgx8 wrote
Yeah, it makes sense unless you learn more about lossy formats, then it becomes too hard to make a decision and you try to simplify things lol.
I went to Opus VBR 256 kbps after a lot of ABX tests, gaining information and analyzing it. Wasn't an easy decision though. Would be easier if I was like "screw it, I'm OK with 450-500 kbps bitrate", then I would just go with lossyWAV + FLAC))
Dinkerdoo t1_iy7bofc wrote
I have a policy to transfer full albums on mobile devices so my songs don't get lonely and start missing their friends.
Rilandaras t1_iy7by33 wrote
I'm happy to lose your game.
sentesy t1_iy7bzbe wrote
There is definitely hardware out there that doesn't support it..but it isn't very good hardware.
JustScribbleScrabble t1_iy7fekp wrote
I thank your left side for validating my whole experience with audio. As far as *I* can tell, headphones make a huge difference, amps/DACs make almost no difference once you have a modestly decent one, and for the life of me I can't tell the difference between almost any of the codecs. I don't doubt that others here have much finer ears than me, though.
I used to think I could tell the difference... until I did an actual blind test and was like, awesome I can save a ton of money now. Or put it all into headphones. Or whisky.
brcnweed t1_iy7glr1 wrote
once i have flac, it becomes impossible to want to delete them
[deleted] t1_iy7gyoc wrote
Hukama t1_iy7iksj wrote
^(read the megathread)
UnnecessaryMovements OP t1_iy7irwo wrote
Damn you got a EX1000? Brand new?
armado2000 t1_iy7jb2c wrote
If you can't hear the difference between an MP3 and a FLAC, you are either hard of hearing or hard of money
WaywardWes t1_iy7jo00 wrote
iPods without Rockbox.
GoldElectric t1_iy7jwjz wrote
wanna share some sources? asking for a friend
LeftRightShoot t1_iy7ke65 wrote
I have one sides.
Dragonbut t1_iy7koeo wrote
Sacrifice what quality? Not even discernable if you don't placebo yourself
Dragonbut t1_iy7kqcc wrote
Basically nobody can in blind tests assuming the MP3 is of high quality itself
Ok-Sheepherder-148 t1_iy7kvv7 wrote
Audiophiles using DSD when Reddit wannabe Audiophile sheeps still arguing MP3 vs FLAC.
Bastelkorb t1_iy7lwow wrote
Even if I can't hear the difference, disc space isn't that costly anymore... It's like paying for a streaming service which offers FLAC and mp3 streaming, when not concerned by the amount of data, why would I go for the technical less quality one? When the expanse is literally the same, this question is just rhetorical...
Mansao t1_iy7oq3v wrote
The good thing about flac (and other lossless codecs) is that you can convert it to any fancy new codec in the best possible quality. But if you convert from a lossy codec to another one, the losses will add up (and at some point will become audible)
PutPineappleOnPizza t1_iy7ri9u wrote
I have 10TB of flacs and actively listen to like 50gb of music..
What Spotify might "lack" in quality (highly debatable) it sure fills in with amazing recommendations so even using it for a month can open up your whole world of music.
DukeNukemSLO t1_iy7ukdr wrote
Step one: Save your whole collection in FLAC for no real reason
Step two: Realise your car can't play FLAC files
Step three: Cry while converting your whole collection to MP3
DukeNukemSLO t1_iy7uout wrote
Tidal gui 🙃
benfires t1_iy7uy1i wrote
Right click > open with Audacity > export as > FLAC (24 bit)
How hard could it be? /s
bora-yarkin t1_iy7vy3h wrote
Apple music lossless is good enough to not to bother with quality of mp3 which i still cannot hear the difference bethween flac. Or storing flac files where i could use that storage for literally anything else. It literally is flac with a instead of f.
soldier1204 t1_iy7zp8a wrote
Was very bummed when the car stereo didn't support ALAC even though the website said it did.
Spent an hr after that converting all of them to mp3.
Zekiz4ever t1_iy811sr wrote
I didnt even play it in the first place
TheMoldTestament t1_iy86e9h wrote
When I'm actually buying them, Bandcamp.
spartaman64 t1_iy88qwn wrote
the difference is def minimal but when i've spent 4500 on my current chain chasing diminishing returns i might as well get the free return.
televisionceo t1_iy8a8jg wrote
Are you guys seriously using spotify ? I switched to Tidal and it's a lot better if you have good headphones.
a_lasagna_hog t1_iy8cren wrote
What is lossless? Is it audio without any kind of compression? If so, where can I get some?
uzimyspecial t1_iy8dwvl wrote
yeah, just compare MP3's efficiency to Opus, which i think for most tracks is transparent at about 128kbps.
uzimyspecial t1_iy8e1tn wrote
Your mistake is listening to music, and not using music to listen to your headphones :4head:
KiyPhi t1_iy8eqvr wrote
Qobuz and Bandcamp are the way. Some artists I listen to sell FLAC directly like Postmodern Jukebox and some you have to scour the internet for. I have a few tracks not available in my country so I had to use a VPN to buy them.
[deleted] t1_iy8etca wrote
BigBlackPeacock t1_iy8h7sw wrote
It makes perfect sense for sampling
AggravatedAutist t1_iy8hrs3 wrote
It's audio that's compressed without losing any information. It's compressed to take up less storage and bandwidth but doesn't lose any quality in order to achieve that.
You can buy and download FLACs from places like Bandcamp, Qobuz download store or HDTracks, as examples.
[deleted] t1_iy8i24d wrote
a_lasagna_hog t1_iy8i5tr wrote
Thx, also, one more question, do these work on a phone?
lastroids t1_iy8i7hq wrote
This was me. Just with DSD and FLAC.
Years ago, finally realized I don't need DSD. I just kept 5 of my favorite albums that was were already in DSD and deleted the rest (after converting them to FLAC). Now, I just get new stuff in FLAC.
Edit: typo
guisar t1_iy8jcmv wrote
Yes. Poweramp, vlc, etc all work with flac, wav and alac (all lossless formats).
[deleted] t1_iy8kvzf wrote
guisar t1_iy8lryb wrote
Wait, you have an sd card or something in your head unit?
klogg4 t1_iy8lxm0 wrote
Man, it's so cool that you can listen to YouTube and it sounds almost transparent because of Opus. This codec rocks hard.
Dragonbut t1_iy8nwrf wrote
Idk, Spotify is fine. I'm convinced people only hate on it because it's popular. My only real problem with it is that dealing with the queue can be a bit annoying, but for the convenience of not having to download music and having playlists sync across devices I won't complain. Tidal's UI is basically the same and people love that because of its placebo "audio quality"
ultra_prescriptivist t1_iy8oh04 wrote
Here you go: samples of four different tracks recorded directly from Spotify and Tidal, volume matched and synched.
Good luck telling which is which.
televisionceo t1_iy8r6ik wrote
I can't be sure you will tell me the truth if the samples comes from the right sources so I wont be convinced today. I already did this test with spotify and tidal before switching. You also chose songs that are basically not that technical and I use hd560s.
But I'll try it anyway.
archangel 1
Bonus sample 1
Beethnoven sample 2
Enter sandman 2
ultra_prescriptivist t1_iy8rux8 wrote
Alright, let's bump up the technicality and samples size.
Give me your decision on the three additional tracks and I'll shoot you a PM with the answers.
[deleted] t1_iy8tree wrote
televisionceo t1_iy8u4lp wrote
Only if you tell me how I did with the four tracks. You can PM me if you want.
[deleted] t1_iy8u6gf wrote
Gabe_Isko t1_iy8uyln wrote
Mp3 starts doing something weird to cymbals, especially at lower bit rates.
Wryel t1_iy8vdx1 wrote
I was the same, but just didn't have the time to discover new music or manage my collection.
JustScribbleScrabble t1_iy8wu5q wrote
Good to know! I'll listen for that next time.
uzimyspecial t1_iy8xo9q wrote
is that sarcasm? i assume not.
Tho i'm p sure youtube uses some kinda volume normalization or something going on. it always sounds worse to my ears than spotify.
x1Battosai1x t1_iy8y1p2 wrote
I really like hdtracks. Good quality and vetted.
Mr-Zero-Fucks t1_iy8zwvj wrote
FLAC is for preservation of CDs, all my favorite bands only have remastered tracks that sound horrible available in streaming platforms. Seriously, nothing ruins Metallica's drums like quantization.
For modern computer made music, 320kbps is more than enough.
Mr-Zero-Fucks t1_iy905j2 wrote
Why delete them? storage is cheap af
DJ_Hastings013 t1_iy91004 wrote
A/B'ing between Spotify,Tidal, and Deezer, and wow Spotify sucks ass.
BlueSwordM t1_iy91evs wrote
It's not sarcasm.
For 90-95% of tracks, 128kbps Opus 1.3.1 us psychoacoustically transparent.
uzimyspecial t1_iy91r6b wrote
oh ok. sorry, thought it was sarcasm lol. But yeah, it's def a good bitrate for most tracks. Sometimes i got for 160 if i'm using lossy codecs just in case, but 128kbps OPUS is really good.
whitechapel6 t1_iy91yek wrote
klogg4 t1_iy92cjc wrote
Youtube does volume normalization through the web player and through their mobile apps. It is not applied to music during encoding.
brcnweed t1_iy94lco wrote
Cause i don't want to spend more, i have 20 tb but all my drives are red and im running out of things i want to delete.
Mr-Zero-Fucks t1_iy97t9h wrote
20 tb is enough space for a million lossless tracks, you don't listen to that much music, you're just hoarding shit.
klogg4 t1_iy99npt wrote
I use 256 kbps with Opus for robustness against all possible artifacts (heard some at 192kbps and even 224kbps). But if you ask me, 128kbps is the best bitrate for Opus in terms of efficiency. ALMOST transparent, yet files are super small.
[deleted] t1_iy9ajf6 wrote
Overall_Falcon_8526 t1_iy9b4zk wrote
I'm only at around 1TB, but yeah.
octopus_has_friends t1_iy9f3wk wrote
It really isn’t. Test it out yourself.
BEstox47 t1_iy9fs76 wrote
I mean, I've been listening to FLACs for more than 5 years. I surely don't need anyone else to tell me how big is the difference. Also, everyone has different ears. So you may not perceive what I do and I may not perceive what you do.
[deleted] t1_iy9ntfx wrote
octopus_has_friends t1_iy9p0ak wrote
My comment was not a personal attack of any sort. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, of course. But it was very informative for me and many others - we really couldn’t hear a difference consistently.
BEstox47 t1_iy9p6ge wrote
I didn't take your comment as a personal attack. I may have sounded too harsh but I just told you that I feel the difference. Maybe you don't. We are different.
octopus_has_friends t1_iy9p9b1 wrote
That’s fair. Cheers!
[deleted] t1_iy9pltm wrote
Shadharm t1_iy9pwnq wrote
I can hear the difference between FLAC and Lossless compression, but, the difference is so slight that it's barely noticeable. And that difference is more noticeable with MP3/4 format than OGG VORBIS, I don't know what black magic is in OGG VORBIS, but there are some songs that sound better than the CD.
[deleted] t1_iy9pysm wrote
Surelythisisntaclone t1_iy9qn0u wrote
100% agree. This is the quickest way for me to identify lossy.
If you listen very closely, you can even differentiate 320kbps from lossless with this method.
Once you start to hear it though, there's no going back...
[deleted] t1_iy9r4rw wrote
[deleted] t1_iy9rcx9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy9rq9y wrote
[deleted] t1_iy9s267 wrote
[deleted] t1_iy9smia wrote
Affenskrotum t1_iy9sprt wrote
I can hear the difference.
[deleted] t1_iy9sw62 wrote
uzimyspecial t1_iy9tatc wrote
fair enough.
uzimyspecial t1_iy9tkdi wrote
kinda makes me wish podcasts and audiobooks were encoded with OPUS instead of MP3. Usually they're mp3 and somewhere between 64 and 128kbps. Might sound weird but the artifacting bothers me even for vocal content. You could probably get both better quality and small file sizes if they used opus at say 64kbps. but i guess it doesn't make sense for compatibility reasons.
trans__penguin t1_iy9v10c wrote
idk if youtube does some other fucky stuff to audio besides opus, but there is no way youtube is even close to transparent. I immediately notice the difference when listening on youtube and i dont think im a particularly discerning person
DepressMyCNS t1_iy9xkoh wrote
I'm sorry but the difference between FLAC and MP3 is very apparent to me. At least when using my DAC/Amp combo with my HD800s or listening on my hifi speakers. I've sat and compared specific sections of songs for clarity and lack of added noise etc. When I was testing out streaming services. The results were very clear, 320kbps has less detail in the specific tonal qualities of instruments and has an added noise floor, meanwhile FLAC has the cleanest noise floor, retains the most details in the instruments and has a much better bass response (this even takes effect on my car stereo which is not the greatest). I also confirmed there is a difference between "True Lossless" and "Compressed Lossless" Tidal MQA was better than mp3, but the noise floor presented its own artifacts that when compared to true lossless flac from Qobuz. Lastly there's a difference between 16-bit and 24-bit if you can't hear the differences you're either being limited by your equipment(unlikely, as mentioned shitty car stereo picked up these differences too), limited by your hearing, or you just don't know what you're listening for when it comes to comparing format quality. Since discovering the beauty of FLAC I've loved going back to old albums I loved and hearing all kinds of new details I never picked up before. It honestly transforms some songs completely, especially older music from the 90s and earlier.
But all that technical nitpicking aside, honestly I'd rather listen to 128kbps than have no music at all.
TL;DR FLAC is honestly much better for a lot of reasons, I spent hours testing with high-end and low end gear to make sure I was getting the best value.
televisionceo t1_iy9y10k wrote
I tried with the same volume, yes. I got 3 out of 4.
I was sent three more and I'm waiting for the results. There is one out of three where I found the production to be lacking and could not notice any difference at all between the two.
It's pretty tough. I'm not good on the technical side so I can't double check his technique. But if he does things properly, then I gotta to admit the difference is almost impossible to notice.
Material-Permit9685 t1_iy9yvcf wrote
For me, listening to HIFI tracks on Tidal compared to 256 AAC on YouTube, it's louder which I appreciate, I don't have to crank my volume. I wouldn't listen to anything lower than AAC though, MP3 sounds a bit.. grainy I guess.
[deleted] t1_iy9z1kl wrote
OppositeOfIrony t1_iy9zeny wrote
Know what? Just pirate music like everyone else has been for the past few decades.
Facepalmitis t1_iya23p6 wrote
> Once you start to hear it
"Honey, where's your car?"
"Sold it, taking the bus now. Hon, you gotta hear the senny's on this new tube amp..."
WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya47py wrote
I mean just saying 90% of tracks, it means nothing. To one's personal ears it means nothing. What you are saying is that YOU and a designated group of people cannot tell the difference. That's all it means. You guys are convincing yourselves that 128 Opus is transparent, when it isn't. You shouldn't use that word. Because it means nothing without the user and gear in question.
WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya4gvs wrote
My curated collection is like 4TB, also minus all my physical I don't have in digital yet, which is a lot, and I can't even imagine 20 lmao. I have so much classical even. I could only see 10TB MAX for me without crazy blurays or some shit getting into the mix.
WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya4kzu wrote
Your claim here is a fallacy though. You should realize that.
WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya54no wrote
You'll get downvoted by angry tweens who only have their entire collection in 128 or some shit. Opus is transparent guys. I've never heard audio except on my airpods and shit, but I read some studies, and they 100% definitive. Your ears can't hear the difference.
LMAO. If you pinpoint a lot of specific tracks and areas in tracks in particular, you can easily hear differences. It's really not that hard. Double Blind studies don't give one enough time with a track. When given the time, you start spotting the differences in back to backs. That alone is enough for me to stick with FLAC. It might not really be huge all the time, but it's a difference.
WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya62wa wrote
Even on some of the tougher tests, you can still hear differences with 320 vs lossless MP3. Opus at 320 is pretty damn good, but there are tracks where you can still hear something.
Now your typical zoomer isn't going to give a shit. They don't care about anything. But if you don't care about space, then who gives a fuck? I'm not putting my collection on 128 OPUS lmao. A bunch of fools convince themselves that their shitty equipment or some random ass study with random ass people and samples couldn't 100% the differences so fuck it gotta go OPUS for my 1000000000 zoomer rap and fake alt punk singles. Gotta fit them all.
That doesn't say much though. The differences are there, and people with great hearing and a sense of musical knowledge know what to look for. It might not appear on every single track, but it's there, and some people care.
I mean these people can't even type out a coherently written meme. Don't trust these fucks with your audio needs.
undercontr t1_iya6h7n wrote
It is QUITE audible. I am a bit of a audiophile myself
DepressMyCNS t1_iya6qxi wrote
You get me man. I did the tests myself because I wanted to see where I should spend my money, the answer was very clear.
WhiskeyGnomes t1_iya7duk wrote
I mean don't get me wrong Opus is great, but I am not converting my entire collection to Opus. I just don't even fucking care. Who needs that space? Why? Any phone with 128GB of storage and that is literally all I need for work and way more. Hell, I am getting by with 70GB of music in FLAC on my phone. I rarely have too many issues with albums. I could save some space going Opus, but I really just don't care.
The whole debate is pointless right now. I don't even understand the obsession with lossy at this point in time. I guess if you are dirt poor with only 2GB of space on your phone it could help.
multikore t1_iya7ouc wrote
Opus is optimized for speech, isn't it?
doombase310 t1_iyad9za wrote
Flac for LIFE!
itsbeen13seconds t1_iyafjh8 wrote
i do both
[deleted] t1_iyageud wrote
You have what we call golden ears 😂 I have HD800s myself and a decent amp and honestly I still can't tell a difference. Both 320 kbps and Lossless sound fantastic to me. I archive lossless on my laptop and harddrives and convert to 320 on music player. If I could hear a major difference I'd probably add lossless to my player, but alas I don't have golden ears.
chloe334 t1_iyahly1 wrote
I can immediately tell between 256kbps (apple music high res lossy) and lossless by the bass, lossy bass sounds muffled in comparison, lossless bass sounds a lot cleaner with my setup.
MentalThroat7733 t1_iyb5gqr wrote
Has good open back headphones and subs to apple music for hires/lossless; listens to YT music on BT earbuds most of the time 🙂
klogg4 t1_iybk9l5 wrote
Only volume normalization through the player. If you use youtube-dl to download Opus stream, you get completely unprocessed audio.
Now it's up to you to decide if a change in digital volume degrades quality for you or not :)
DepressMyCNS t1_iybl9e4 wrote
Haha I'll have to get myself a golden ear trophy for my decorations lol. Seriously though I understand the sentiment of saying "there's no difference", music is music after all, and both do sound fantastic, but after spending $2600 on headphones, dac/amp and $7000 on a hifi Dolby Atmos setup I wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of my equipment. Another reason I spent the time testing was because I was subscribed to 3 different streaming services at the time and wanted to save some money by switching to just one. I literally sat there and compared 5-10 second long segments of songs and listened to specific tonal qualities of the instruments and vocals, how long the resonances lasted, minute background details such as breaths being taken or fingers scraping against strings, keys clacking, noise floor etc. Extreme critical listening stuff your average person isn't checking for when just putting something on to jam to. I think that's the perfect setup honestly lossless at home lossy on the go. Luckily I live in an area with really good 5g coverage so I can just stream 16-bit or 24-bit lossless straight from Qobuz without buffering. Best of both worlds really.
Have you had a chance to listen or compare and 16 to 24 bit music? Surprisingly there's a difference there as well, it's much more subtle but it has a slight loudness boost and way better depth to the low end of tracks. The first 24 bit CD I bought was Post Malone's Beerbongs and Bentleys and I had to adjust my subwoofer from the added bass 😂. Also have you heard any DOLBY Atmos or 360 Audio content? It's not lossless but it adds a whole different feel to music as well having specific instruments sounding as if they're placed throughout the room not coming from the speakers, it's evolutionary stuff, I can't wait till they come up with a lossless spatial audio now that will be something!
ultra_prescriptivist t1_iybmxb7 wrote
I won't divulge the exact results, but it will suffice to say that the outcome was pretty much as expected.
[deleted] t1_iybppg2 wrote
That’s a very good point. You’re making me reconsider a little. Lol. I spent a lot on speakers headphones and amps. I play mostly lossless audio on my speakers for the same reason as you. Why not on my headphones as well?
[deleted] t1_iybuj7z wrote
zippyzplayz t1_iybwd8g wrote
For me i need sound quality higher than 320kbps
ultra_prescriptivist t1_iybwvsq wrote
You don't need it, you just like to think you do.
zippyzplayz t1_iybwzw5 wrote
Well…. yes you have a strong point but lossless just makes me happy
ultra_prescriptivist t1_iybxgqh wrote
Maybe 10 years ago with 128kbps you could easily tell, but with modern codecs at 320kbps? It's completely indistinguishable for the vast majority of people.
Case in point:
Check out these blinded samples taken from Spotify and Tidal of two very cymbal-intensive songs and see how challenging it is to tell them apart.
shavitush t1_iycc27w wrote
i agree. and youtube music (with premium) on compatible devices does 256kbps
shavitush t1_iycc4s0 wrote
RED if you have an account
MySecretDepository t1_iydb600 wrote
Is it back up? I remember you couldn’t login for a while
DukeNukemSLO t1_iyevmp3 wrote
Last time i used it was a month ago, and ut was still working, but i didn't try if anything changed as of now
EducationalCreme9044 t1_iyf476h wrote
I mean in this day and age where you can buy a 1TB SSD for spare change, do small sizes matter that much?
csch1992 t1_iy6fqo0 wrote
Why would u use spotify to sacrifice quality? I would love to start a hifi collection but my lazzyness is killig me