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I_Dont_Have_A_Name13 OP t1_ixvtb4y wrote

No I don’t, I didn’t want and still don’t want to get one because I have already spent a lot of money on the headphones. Thanks for trying to help though


Krosa t1_ixw0fmy wrote

No point in getting a good pair of headphones that you can't use correctly.


ku1185 t1_ixw6hvi wrote

Unfortunately the HD600s are kind of hard to drive. They'd likely benefit from a more powerful source.

HD58x and HD660s are much easier to drive in my experience. Same "family" in terms of that smooth sounding, vocal focused character, but less upper mids, generally speaking.


minimalist_01 t1_ixwggy8 wrote

Return them, get the HD 560S from Amazon for $150 and save some money (those don’t need much power) or get them with a Fiio K5 Pro or KA3 (depends if you need a desktop dac/amp or something portable). You’ll spend $300 with the K5 Pro which is the same as just the HD 600 right now ($300) or even less with the KA3.


I_Dont_Have_A_Name13 OP t1_ixwh1pk wrote

Thanks for trying to help. Is the Fiio K5 Pro also good for the HD600s?


AIaris t1_ixy66d5 wrote

if youre looking for something cheaper, im using a behringer umc22, to drive my hd660s, but a um2 is just as good i believe the umc22 just has a better preamp (which is for the mic)


shaledecimal t1_ixwcd9h wrote

Wow OP I'm sorry you've been downvoted for such a reasonable position, which is spending what you can on transducers, the most important thing (I expect to be downvoted for backing you up on this).

By "muddy" do you mean the bass frequencies sound too loud such that they are masking higher frequencies, or do you just mean that higher treble frequencies aren't as loud as you're used to? Because the former would be an unusual experience to have of the HD600, which has neutral bass actually rolling off in sub-bass, whilst the latter would be expected and why people describe them as "smooth" coming from other headphones which might have elevated treble.


I_Dont_Have_A_Name13 OP t1_ixwgw57 wrote

By muddy I don’t mean that the bass sounds too loud or the treble being too quiet, I mean the mids and the bass sounding weird, but I can’t really describe what it sounds like other then muddy. Thanks for trying to help


shaledecimal t1_ixwzp02 wrote

I would agree with u/SupOrSalad above and say you're probably just not used to the sound then. If they were faulty you might hear buzzing or one side sounding obviously different from the other. HD600 QC is really good to the point both channels are usually very closely matched, so it's highly unlikely you've got a dud pair.

If you're listening on your phone, turning the volume to max and it still sounds too quiet, this is a sign you need an external amp or need to swap them for a different pair which is easier to drive such as the HD58X or HD560S. I listen to my HD6XX from a Pixel 4A which according to a review on a famous audio forum is completely incapable of powering them... well I never need to turn them up to max volume even listening to classical with high dynamic range.

I hope you learn to love these headphones as many others do, then you will be able to keep them as a reference pair for the rest of your life.