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Shirubax t1_j1h90bi wrote

Maybe they meant dirty movies?


DreamDropDistancia t1_j1halke wrote

I'm reminded of this one time a roommate sat the rest of us roommates down, and was, like, "let's watch movie together", and after some poking around on Netflix, he found one he thought sounded interesting, so he started it, and about five minutes in, everybody but him was, like, "Dude, what is this, porn?" And he was, like, "No way! It's on Netflix! Let's just keep watching and see where it goes."

About five more minutes in, it was hilariously obvious that it was a soft-core porn flick. We bailed, and he, for once in his life, admitted he was wrong.

For a while, the rest of us were, like, "Hey, rememeber that time you tried to get us to watch porn with you on Netflix?"


Shirubax t1_j1hbbkk wrote

Hmm traveling this week across the country by bicycle I've stopped here and there at net cafes to rest up, and a few days ago I tried to watch some of the free movies.... Both what I guess you would call soft porn? Maybe? One was about a female truck driver, of all things.

Already I suppose they must make headphones tuned for erm.. human voice.


Shirubax t1_j1hbmj3 wrote

Also.. I went to a business trip to the US like 5 years ago and watched a movie in the hotel I started at...... Strangest movie I've ever seen, wish I knew what it was called.

It starts where a guy shows up with all his baggage at his girlfriend's house, and tells her he has finally left his wife so they can be together. She was already planning to go out that night, and they fight about that and end up fighting and talking for like an hour, until they tend up having sex on camera.

Then the last days "don't tell any other clients we did it without a condom", and the guy is like "sure thing, oh, and I guess I have to return all that baggage to good will. See you next week".

So... It was all some sort of super extended prostitute role play?!

This was on the regular channel, not some porn channel?