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ThatsPurttyGood101 OP t1_j5wru2t wrote

Just got the HD700 into and I'm a little confused on how to feel about the sound. I knew the driver was the same as the HD660s, which I've been daily driving for months now, so I was expecting them to be a lot closer which they aren't at all. DMS said it best, these are weird. Mostly because they don't sound like Sennheisers normal sound with a huge emphasis on the mids.

Idk what I was expecting but the best way I can describe them is like an exaggerated HD560s? I thought the HD560s were much more playful headphones compared to the 600 series, so the 700's feel a lot like that. Playful but with more exaggeration. INSANELY Better sound stage, more bass. Details are alittle hazy, but still there? Like if the HD660s was a color palette of blocks of individual colors, the HD700 is a rgb rainbow color wheel where it's all blended together.

It's going to take me more listening to decide if these are for me, but whichever I like more I'm going to keep and the others I'll sell.


D00M98 t1_j5xdx50 wrote

There are quite a bit of discussions online regarding 660S and 700 drivers. Some say 660S is based on 700, but that doesn't mean it is the same driver. Others made measurements and say they have similar impedance and phase response, but then they don't sound alike at all.

I guess at end of the day, it is how they sound that matters, regardless of their driver design. Let us know your verdict when you have thoroughly compared them.


Doccks71 t1_j604s67 wrote

I can't really listen to the HD700 stock for long

But.. with mods or EQ it is one of the best bang-for-buck in audio,

they go for so cheap in the second-hand market because a lot of people don't bother tinkering with it


plumpudding2 t1_j5zqpa0 wrote

I really like the HD700 I was surprised after all the hate it got online. You just gotta make sure to compensate the 9 dB (!) peak at 5 khz with some EQ and they sound wonderful for the price.