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pinkcunt123 t1_j5oiemz wrote

Reply to comment by TRX808 in RME ADI-2 FS totally worth by [deleted]

I don't give a shit about where the PCB is from.

I do care however, about how servicing, warranty claims and potential returns are gonna be handled.

With Chinese brands that have no office within the EU that's often an issue.

Ordering through Amazon is ok, because you can return it within two weeks, if something were to go wrong. But not everything is available on Amazon. And after the return window closes one is kinda FUCKED.

Good luck getting my cheap chinese electronic repaired in the EU. All the way back to Shenzhen it goes, with all the hassle and customs nonsense that entails. Nah thx.

SMSL's and Topping's pricing is aggressive and I just wish there was some competition from EU brands. I don't expect RME to offer something at 240€, which is never gonna happen. But at least 500€ or so would be a nice change of pace over here.


TRX808 t1_j5ojxpd wrote

I addressed your Chi-Fi service complaints as well, you could have posted that further up... but why not let other people wait out your true sentiments?

You seem to be perpetually upset.