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t1_j5hxqav wrote

Are they more fun to listen to or 770s? Are they more comfortable for long hours or the 770s?


OP t1_j5hzup1 wrote

They are absolutely much more fun to listen to than the 770 pro for a lot of genre. Comfort wise, I will hand it to the 770 pro. However, in theory the K701 is a better design comfort wise, I really like the mechanism that it has with the self adjusting headband, it is also made of stiff 'leather' so you can imagine it's like having a leather belt on top of your head, for now I find the 770 pro to be more comfortable. Additionally, the earpads on the 770 pro is a whole lot softer and more breathable. The K701 create this warm ring around my ears that I can notice after a long session. Maybe an aftermarket earpads can fix this. The extra weight+stiffer pads and headband killed the K701's comfort against the 770 pro.