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checkseguy t1_j6vfzv9 wrote

I found it fascinating when I found out that she was lovers with Caesar and then married his second Marc Antony, before the two of them committed suicide. She wouldn’t have such a prominent place in history if it weren’t for that yet I had always assumed as a child that it was a completely different period of events.


JhnWyclf t1_j6vni78 wrote

Have you seen the HBO series Rome?


Shivy_Shankinz t1_j6vnw02 wrote

Got it on my list to watch, any good?


JhnWyclf t1_j6vokr3 wrote

I really liked it. It came out before had the funds to do epic stories justice. As a result the creators had to jam what was going to be multiple seasons into the final season and speed run the rise Octavius.

The cast is great and I really like how the focal point of the story wasn’t just the “great men” ( Caesar, Pompey, Octavius, Cicero). They use Mckidd’s character to view Rome and the events of the time period through multiple lenses which I really enjoyed.

I wish they could have had the full run but it’s good as-is.


Iohet t1_j6vpx7z wrote

Rome and Deadwood were Sopranos hangover victims at HBO. Expensive to produce but didn't bring in the subscribers like Tony and co did

At least Deadwood got a finale movie of sorts


drfakz t1_j6vtchq wrote

The Deadwood movie isn't great but it ties things up I suppose.

I get why they did it, but I really didn't like the flash backs in the movie. Especially having just watched the show but I recognize they had a huge gap in time. I still think most viewers would have rewatched for a refresher instead of trying to force a movie that could stand on its own.


blazenl t1_j6ydj7t wrote

Really good, too bad they canceled it


Remainderking t1_j6w9n81 wrote

Cleopatra went to Sugar Daddy Julius Caesar because the native Kemetians sided with her brother. Caesar wanted a post in Egypt long before he became Caesar. Caesar was in his youth a member of the priesthood of Apollo, who was identified back then as a version of Ra, the Sun God. He really wanted Egypt. Cleopatra was an added side chick bonus.