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WoosterChops t1_ivlil33 wrote

How is it possible that these bronze statues spent so long in a hot spring, and yet they don’t have sediments of minerals on them, not even tarnish?


va_wanderer t1_ivljis9 wrote

They ended up buried in the soft mud at the bottom, which shielded them from the corrosion you might otherwise expect.


cybercuzco t1_ivm0eyx wrote

Corrosion comes from oxygen. If you use up all the oxygen corrosion stops. So in normal water the oxygen in the water comes from the air and as the water moves it brings fresh oxygen to the area being corroded. If you put the thing in mud or peat now the water can’t move so no fresh oxygen is being brought in.


Micascisto t1_ivn5qd9 wrote

This is the right answer. Same basic mechanism for the fossilization of organic parts, otherwise they decay.