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TheLateHenry t1_ivzcntb wrote

You can also just call it the November pogrom, if that floats your boat more. But calling it the "crystal night" definitely doesn't bring the right kind of associations.


TotallyNotAVampire t1_ivzjrjo wrote

Is the "Night of Broken Glass" similarly problematic? I can guess that the two might be related. I don't know if it's positive connotations to "krytstal" or the fact that it's not called a "pogrom" (or riot) is the root of the issue?


TheLateHenry t1_ivztquh wrote

Yes to both of those. I also don’t think the word ‚riot‘ fits particularly well, because this was a planned attack on the jews by the nazi party who were in charge (though other members of the public took part or were at least witnesses, as seen in the photos)


TotallyNotAVampire t1_iw0anr3 wrote

Oh, so "pogrom" isn't a German word, and it specifically means violence against the Jews. Is that a better translation?

I'd taken it to mean "riot" by analogy with "race riots" in the US, some of which were encouraged and armed by the government.