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prpslydistracted t1_iz4rx2t wrote

Slate is between 2.5 and 4 on the Mohs scale ... almost as hard as marble and limestone, but not as hard as granite or natural quartz. I can't imagine a young child scribing that hard of stone; early teens, sure. But these are too well done; more on the level of artisan.

It would have to be a much harder stone tool applied with a great deal of pressure. That would require an adult allowing a child/young teen use of valuable tools. Unlikely.

Had these owls been exclusively in children's tombs one might consider it a toy. But they were in adults tombs as well. I think it would be an amulet or deity reference considering the characteristics of owls in general.


OGPunkr t1_iz5oi6y wrote

oooh...Maybe they were for apprentices to practice on, then given to children.

At first I thought they were given to children as comfort, like the owl looks out for you while you're sleeping kind of thing and some kept them into adulthood. Just like we do now with comfort toys and keepsakes.