Submitted by JasperTheMaster08 t3_11cpecz in iphone
instructionsplease t1_ja4huai wrote
I imagined a possible scene of a movie. A family assaulted at home, robbers took down all phone lines and all smartphones from the family. And someone managed to escape and grabbed that portrait and started to assemble the iPhone to dial 911.
Rockstaedy t1_ja4ipq6 wrote
Remember S - Sport!)
joro___ t1_ja4rvhm wrote
Go recycle this phone to safe the planet
bluegreenie99 t1_ja4rzlf wrote
I'd pay someone to do this to to my older devices.
vooze t1_ja4y3bw wrote
valy3124 t1_ja50c1h wrote
This is a masterpiece!
Foo_bogus t1_ja55f3g wrote
Reusing > recycling
MVPizzle t1_ja55p9n wrote
Did you create this or did you buy it from grid studio and then pretend you made it?
superm0bile t1_ja5947a wrote
There are a bunch of differences between this and what Grid Studio did. Do you not see them?
Humorous-Prince t1_ja5a1rl wrote
My dad still uses this phone daily, I put a new battery in, works fine. He likes it mainly because of the headphone jack.
Custom_Fish t1_ja5dplf wrote
Just like in Ironman when Tony’s reactor got stolen and he had to use his display (though still functional) one
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja5hxit wrote
I used Open Office draw to design the template and the frame is from a shop. I’m flattered that you thought it was professionally made though…
[deleted] t1_ja5igp6 wrote
Soace_Space_Station t1_ja5msly wrote
And it was PRG
Soace_Space_Station t1_ja5my74 wrote
Proof Apple will get a bit of revenue from putting the god damn headphone jack in their phones again
constellationthinker t1_ja5u8bn wrote
you could legit start a business selling this shit. buy a bunch of broken phones for dirt cheap next to nothing
[deleted] t1_ja5vqz9 wrote
Bacon-80 t1_ja5x5j2 wrote
Looks similar to the Grid displays so idk if you could sell them without walking on that territory (lots of tech YouTubers peddle the brand) - nice job tho!
NepHawk t1_ja5z9wy wrote
I’m sure they are making banks off of AirPods, headphone jacks revenue is like a drop of water compared to ocean.
Soace_Space_Station t1_ja60oop wrote
AlwaysDonnie t1_ja63kj4 wrote
Pretty awesome idea
hopkraken t1_ja6ag41 wrote
Now do an exploded version of the Samsung Galaxy S7 /s
thespacestone t1_ja6cqf2 wrote
The 6S was one of my favorites, I had mine in Space Grey. I ended up giving it to my Great-Grandmother and she used it until she passed away. I wish I could’ve gotten ahold of it again when she passed, had it set up exactly how she wanted it.
stepover7 t1_ja6egyx wrote
Battery might explode ?
tsukamaenai t1_ja6fs7c wrote
tsukamaenai t1_ja6fuos wrote
Cringey AF in any building other than an Apple office.
bigsmallhands t1_ja6ivwy wrote
No, why would it?
videogamebruh t1_ja6k0ff wrote
I really REALLY want to do this
JVLawnDarts t1_ja6kqt0 wrote
Battery is dangerous to be in there and should be replaced with a mock one.
[deleted] t1_ja6lws2 wrote
Just stop it. These are not interesting.
ToffeeCoffee t1_ja6qjjz wrote
I am ... iPhone Man!
biscuitmachine t1_ja6u368 wrote
I would get rid of the battery or replace it with a fake. I have an old iPhone 3GS that was basically sitting around for many years at zero charge and was kind of confused to find the Otterbox case popping open when I dug it up one day. Opened up the Otterbox to find the rear of it had swelled considerably. It's not like it spontaneously combusted on me or anything, and it's still fine, but since you're framing this and it could fall down randomly or something when the battery is old and maybe swells, I wouldn't take the risk.
[deleted] t1_ja6ui9w wrote
IBoughtAllDips t1_ja6ujx0 wrote
PepeSilviaLovesCarol t1_ja6wdde wrote
Mom said it’s my turn to post this tomorrow.
BullishlyBearish2020 t1_ja73da7 wrote
My friend probably sold my old 6s for like a million
Quaversal t1_ja747r4 wrote
They are plenty interesting, you’re just full of shit. If you don’t like a post you can just skip over it 🙄
sonicstreak t1_ja7765n wrote
Nice! One of the better ones I've seen.
This is me being too critical but right-aligning a bullet list is a bit of a no no.
zombieboysam t1_ja77uq7 wrote
I love this. Also people saying this is uninteresting/cringe, suck your mom. This is interesting, you’re just fucking boring. Take your smooth brains somewhere else. 🖕🏼
True_Cardiologist337 t1_ja7adlw wrote
didnt know it was sold till 2018
Dino_Spaceman t1_ja7b26t wrote
OP’s is likely mostly real components at least.
I can’t say about all of Grid’s products, but I got their Gameboy and multiple components were way too perfect and clean (including the case) to be 30+ years old.
Useful_Many_1358 t1_ja7d5sq wrote
Grid’s are also clearly used. I have a couple of their frames. I also don’t really believe the OP made their own. There’s a lot of companies out there making similar products.
Useful_Many_1358 t1_ja7d8wj wrote
It’s really not.
Conscious-Bottle143 t1_ja7ekjb wrote
It was that good
Dino_Spaceman t1_ja7f1wj wrote
A couple of my components seem real (the buttons specifically). It feels like they substitute whatever they don’t have with remakes. If so, I’m fine with that. I like their design. I just wish they were open about it if true.
Now re OP: I’m with you.
Conscious-Bottle143 t1_ja7f3vh wrote
This would look good in any room depending what that room or building is. Not just Tim Cooks office
MindChief t1_ja7gzyy wrote
[deleted] t1_ja7h2nu wrote
Ok-Inflation2605 t1_ja7h5r6 wrote
You should rename that cover to shield?
iAmmar9 t1_ja7hagp wrote
I was expecting a cool 3D frame type of thing holding each individual part in series
upsuits t1_ja7ij5u wrote
Tim Apple’s bedroom maybe
fat_ty t1_ja7m1y6 wrote
This iPhone belongs in recycling for the sake of the environment
asander85 t1_ja7vhus wrote
“Created”? These are all over Etsy. Same font and everything
Lordmorgoth666 t1_ja7xyed wrote
Not sure if serious/clueless or being funny…
emu222 t1_ja7zlns wrote
When mine finally bites the dust I plan on doing something like this. We still use it daily as an office phone for running apps.
This was the first phone I purchased while working for Apple, and the most memorable launch!
TomatoOrangeMelon t1_ja802ht wrote
Eyes are overrated. /s
fat_ty t1_ja82u84 wrote
I am serious. Definitely not clueless or funny.
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja87i42 wrote
the font that i used is san francisco, the font that apple uses on their website, operating systems and on the casing for their devices
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja87nup wrote
I did recycle it. I turned it into wall art. I plan to do the same with my broken iPhone 7. I only did this one first because I didn’t have a tri-point screwdriver.
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja89zht wrote
I did make my own. The phone in the frame is my sisters iPhone 6s that died one day last year. I kept it for a while with the intent of making this kind of thing. Then when my dad bought an ifixit kit to replace his MacBook battery, I used the tools from it to tear down the phone. I then bought a frame from The Range. I designed the template using open office draw as it used centimetres for sizes. The font is apples own font, and I printed the template on card at a local shop that has a good printer in it.
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja8a9lw wrote
All the components used are from the same phone. I did consider buying a new flash and rear mic when I lost it, but I found it a few days later stuck to something in my room.
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja8bz9z wrote
Yes 12x12inch or 30x30cm
[deleted] t1_ja8dkk6 wrote
No, they genuinely aren’t interesting.
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja8e5wc wrote
I'm not sure about starting a business, but I am thinking of making more of them. I have an iPhone 7 that died after my sister threw it down the stairs that i am going to do this with, I just need the tri-point screwdriver to deal with those pesky uncommmon screws inside the phone. I might buy some from ebay aswell
trev2234 t1_ja8gctd wrote
This is brilliant. Love it.
JasperTheMaster08 OP t1_ja8kic8 wrote
Sounds like a strange film scene, could be an advert for one of the companies that make and sell these frames professionally like GRID or Xreart. Though some components have been cut off from the flex cables, but still a interesting thought.
CSmith1003 t1_ja9batp wrote
Sylvurphlame t1_jaabng5 wrote
Definitely not funny at least. If he wants to turn his old iPhone into art, that is “Reuse”which comes before Recycle on the priority list.
Sylvurphlame t1_jaabw2a wrote
Is that a prop battery? Probably not safe mounting an actual Lithium ion battery like that
fat_ty t1_jaaqxeu wrote
Well, I don’t understand how rare earth metals sitting on a wall deserves priority over recycling- which could potentially reduce the load on new mining activities.
Lordmorgoth666 t1_jaasmsn wrote
Given how horribly raped the earth is about to get over the next decade or so due to the push to save car companies with electric cars, a few people out there putting iPhones on their wall isn’t going to make a pinch of shit of difference. Let the person enjoy his little project. The earth will be dead either way.
fat_ty t1_jaaut2y wrote
Yeah, everyone saying this has got us here.
“Given how horribly raped the earth, me doing XYZ isn’t going to make a pinch of shit of difference.”
I was merely giving my opinion, i am sure OP is not going to spring into action and toss their project into recycling :)
constellationthinker t1_jablj62 wrote
you did a good job with that 6 - i'm telling you, you could sell it for money
Conscious-Bottle143 t1_jad0fhc wrote
A tech company, tech YouTube background, museum of design or tech, lots of places like a hipster bar.
CSmith1003 t1_ja4dvjs wrote
What size is that? 12”x12”