witnessthelight t1_j9uj598 wrote
The higher the resolution of the camera, the farther you can zoom in before the squares (pixels) appear.
Digital cameras do not have infinite resolution. No matter how good the camera, there will eventually be squares.
newecreator t1_j9ul6x6 wrote
You do know that photo is a bitmap.
They're made of pixels.
Pixels are almost always square.
newecreator t1_j9ula1c wrote
You do know images like these are made of SQUARE things call pixels, right?
nikolatech t1_j9umsal wrote
I think OP is trolling since people are daily posting their pics with lens flare asking how to get rid of something that you can't get rid of lol
u53r666 t1_j9upfnq wrote
Lmao troll of the day right here.
Tyckaom OP t1_j9uqczs wrote
Humorous-Prince t1_j9usgpa wrote
I zoomed in on this picture expecting the picture quality to be bad, very surprised how good that image is even if it is compressed.
robocub t1_j9ust8m wrote
This as stupid as asking how do I get rid of the grainy ness in a photograph when zooming into a film camera photo taken with low speed film.
D4venport t1_j9usv6e wrote
I zoomed in and got circles. Please someone help me remove the circles and give me squares.
RyansBooze t1_j9usyhm wrote
NGL you got me.
Tyckaom OP t1_j9vlx1y wrote
Wait rly??
Tyckaom OP t1_j9vly4k wrote
Actually ??
Tyckaom OP t1_j9vm1qz wrote
It wasn’t taken with a iPhone I’m just trollin with people. Poking at people who post dumb questions 😂.
Tyckaom OP t1_j9vm3ns wrote
Tyckaom OP t1_j9vm4l4 wrote
Tyckaom OP t1_j9vm53u wrote
MorseCodeMike t1_j9vm89y wrote
Magic marker directly applied to The phone screen. Works eveytime
metafruit t1_j9vol5p wrote
newecreator t1_j9vtpqt wrote
Yes. This has been a thing since the dawn of digital imaging.
Tyckaom OP t1_j9vvzlu wrote
Didn’t know that thanks for helping
sean101v t1_j9w4uat wrote
Jokes aside this is a really nice picture
Tyckaom OP t1_j9w5sla wrote
Thanks man!
anki_steve t1_j9xr2tc wrote
Slide this behind the lens:
Tyckaom OP t1_j9uibtn wrote
You can’t zoom in far enough on Reddit. Only on photoshop