Epancho16 OP t1_jd857dd wrote
Reply to comment by nrron in Is the 13 mini the right phone for me? by Epancho16
True, I heard that from that from 12 series onward most phones are able to reach the end of the day without any issue, that's pretty much the only concern.
PsyOmega t1_jd950so wrote
Don't listen to the haters about Mini battery life. It'll get me through an entire day and a half, sometimes 2 whole days. Moderate/light use, plenty of fb.
13 mini battery life is twice as good as SE3 and as good as the regular 12 and that got rave reviews. It's only "bad" relative to newer larger phones.
Even a 12 mini blows the best android out of the water in terms of real-use battery life.
successingfromsuffer t1_jd9gt9i wrote
> Even a 12 mini blows the best android out of the water in terms of real-use battery life.
clown talk
Ham_collector t1_jd9ilyk wrote
The 12 minis battery is shit lol
Secret_Ad_6520 t1_jd9rfcs wrote
Bro I had a 12 mini that couldn’t last me a day and I had it on aeroplane mode for most of the day and I was just listening to music buddy your dillusional if you think the 12 mini had good battery life
SneakyCaleb t1_jd9cbx2 wrote
Eh I wouldn’t say that. My pixel 5 had better battery life than my 13 mini.
Epancho16 OP t1_jd9cjgn wrote
But like, you charge it through the day or something?
I don't think they are necessarily haters, chemistry in a battery can change heavily with slight changes like the weather where the phone tends to be.
PsyOmega t1_jd9f6uv wrote
I charge it when I go to bed every night or every other night (sometimes on day 2 it'll need plugged in by evening). When it's nightly the battery is usually at 30-40% left from being unplugged at 100% in the morning before work.
Average SOT according to settings is 5 hours between charges (so 70% drain to 5 hours of screen time)
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