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t1_irpjwo6 wrote

I appreciate that this response is constructive. What has been your experience with the touch screen on the 14 plus / plus max relative to your last iphone?

My wife traded in her 11 plus for the 14 plus. She seems to have the same responsiveness issue - could it be something to do with iOS 16?

Worth noting her device has been overheating to the point it stops itself from charging in normal scenarios - so we will be going back to apple about that. Perhaps we both ended up with defective units?

The iOS diagnostics say my battery health is 100%. Maybe 5G/5G UWB is draining it? I didn't have that with the 8+.



t1_irpl672 wrote

Well my last phone was the 13 Pro so no noticeable difference in the touch screen. If you’re having touch screen and battery issues it might be worth bringing it in to an Apple Store if you can and get it checked out.

It could be an iOS 16 issue. I know battery problems have popped up because of that, but this is the first I’m hearing of touch screen issues.


t1_irplws6 wrote

Thanks - that's helpful. I thought the touch screen issue was in my head and never said anything. So yesterday when my wife asked me if I was having the same problem - my response was "You too?!"

It's most noticeable near the edges of the screen. Like in the reddit app, if I launch and article and try to hit "done" in the upper left it's hard to hit.

Sometimes the touch feels "off" - like a pop up add will have an "x" for me to close it, but if I hit the "x" directly it doesn't respond, I have to do it a couple times or hit around the "x"

Seems like this is not normal so we'll be going to the Apple Store this week.


t1_irqcgat wrote

> Worth noting her device has been overheating to the point it stops itself from charging in normal scenarios - so we will be going back to apple about that. Perhaps we both ended up with defective units?

Worth noting that a lot of people, if not everyone is having overheating and battery issues with iOS16, which I’m 90% sure is the culprit.

> The iOS diagnostics say my battery health is 100%. Maybe 5G/5G UWB is draining it? I didn’t have that with the 8+.

Well of course diagnostics is going to say your battery health is 100%, lol your brand new 14 is what, not even a month old?

I’d say 5G would be draining battery.


t1_irsjeey wrote

Yes you’re correct, these 14 pro models are insanely susceptible to high 5G battery drain, at least on this version of iOS. I would recommend everyone turn their 5G off for the time being if they care about long battery life. When I turned LTE on, I went from getting like 7 hours of SOT to now getting about 12 hours SOT. Insane difference.


t1_irst3tb wrote

Wow that is insane.


t1_irt87ly wrote

Yes it is. I don’t know what’s causing the 14’s to not be able to handle 5G without massive battery drain but just TURN THE 5G OFF!!!


t1_irpz95f wrote

There was no 5G/5G UWB on the iPhone 8 Plus. Strictly LTE so it would make sense you didn’t have it. Also I’ve learned that 5G is a battery drainer for sure.