Submitted by t3_yauw5e in iphone

Over the years, I've always used an iPhone with a case. Regarding the screen, until iPhone 7, I usually go naked, and the minor scratches on the screen actually don't bother me too much. However, for some reason, I've started using a glass screen protector since the iPhone X.

I dropped my iPhone 14 Pro Max on an asphalt road just two weeks after I started using my new phone. The brand new official clear case now has annoying marks that you can feel when you touch it, and the screen protector is cracked so badly.

Of course, the $49 case and the $50 screen protector saved my phone from being smashed. However, when I went to the Apple Store to look for a new case and screen protector, an Apple staff gave her advice that somehow refreshed my mind.

The fact that I have Apple Care for my phone. The policy is - screen replacement for $29; back replacement while keeping the same screen for $99; replace the whole phone for $99. If anything happens, I can just use the most out of my Apple Care to repair or replace the phone. I've never used Apple Care for my iPhones until the 13 Pro Max. This staff never uses a case because of that (although idk if she uses a protector, though)

Now I realize that for the entire last year, I've been using my 13 Pro Max without taking off the case, and I've never had enough time to enjoy the beauty of the phone and the original look & feel without a case, except the moment when I unboxed the phone after I got it. And the Belkin screen protector has more reflection than the original screen, although I did not complain about it since I thought the screen protector was a must-have.

I did think that I may sell this phone a year or two later if I decide to upgrade, and I may sell it for more money if I protected it well. Also, I wasn't aware of this Apple Care policy.

I'm glad that the screen protector company Otterbox offers a warranty for my screen protector, and I received a free replacement (and I believe that Belkin does the same thing), so I don't need to pay another $50 for a new one. However, my case is not under warranty, so I have to either bear with this damaged $49 case or get another new case (I prefer Apple's original cases, so it would be another $49 at least).

But how about going naked? The iPhone screens are now even stronger with Ceramic Shield, plus the Apple Care insurance. Should I be a bit bolder this year to not use any cases and even screen protectors?

  • The $49 case can save me from replacing the phone for $99, while it reduces the experience of using the phone compared to being naked.
  • About viewing experience: The new Otterbox Antiglare glass protector is noticeably better on anti-reflection than the Belkin one I had last year, but idk if the anti-reflection is even better without any protector. Besides, both the screen protector and the naked screen will cause scratches over time, so I assume the viewing experience will be similar. About cost: it's either the $50 protector with warranty (idk if my replaced protector also has a warranty, so I can replace it again if I messed up again) or $29 for replacement each time.
  • Resell value may be less if I go naked. Also, since my phone is my primary video camera, I don't wanna scratch my camera, while the sapphire lens is supposed to be scratch-resistant (and so far, the only way I protect my camera is from the case that has a bump over the camera area, and I never put my phone with keys).

For those who have Apple Care for iPhones, do you use cases and screen protectors? Share your thoughts!

TL;DR: I accidentally destroyed my case and screen protector for my new phone, and now I'm rethinking about if I should ditch them since I have Apple Care and potentially improve the user experience.



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t1_itd15qu wrote

$50 for a screen protector is egregious homie.

This is all subjective. I like the way my phone looks and feels with both on. Some don’t. Just do what you like.

I have AppleCare and I still want to take care of my stuff as well as possible. AppleCare is for when/if life has other plans. At least for me.


t1_itmpsba wrote

Seriously, i have a $4 screen protector on and i’ve had all my previous phones with protectors within that same price, never faced any issues and they’ve always done their job.


OP t1_itda6aw wrote

I just like the feature from the Otterbox protector since it works so well with anti-reflection (I did a side-by-side comparison with my last year Belkin one). Won't go back with the Belkin one (it's $40; idk if they made any improvements this year), and won't consider other protectors other than glass protectors.


t1_itd92s2 wrote

$50 screen protector lol..I’ve used $3 screen protectors that worked just as good.


OP t1_itd9t8m wrote

The reason I choose the Otterbox protector is that it does well in anti-reflection (even better than the $40 Belkin I had last year), plus it's a glass protector so it will prevent cracking the screen from dropping.

Between 2012 to 2017, I never used a protector because when I was using my iPhone 4, I had both the normal soft clear protector and the frosted protector, and both were easy to leave scratch marks.


t1_itd3ox3 wrote

That is peak consumerism.

Why should I care about the environment when I can just go and create more e waste for some money.

Screen protectors are easy and cheap replacements compared to the cost of getting a new screen. And less waste.


t1_itd3k9p wrote

If I pay for insurance I'll never use a case on anything, defeats the purpose


t1_itdeisg wrote

>The fact that I have Apple Care for my phone. The policy is - screen replacement for $29; back replacement while keeping the same screen for $99; replace the whole phone for $99. If anything happens, I can just use the most out of my Apple Care to repair or replace the phone. I've never used Apple Care for my iPhones until the 13 Pro Max. This staff never uses a case because of that (although idk if she uses a protector, though)

Well, that screen replacement is actually $228 because you had to buy the AppleCare plan in the first place. It's $329 without, so a $101 savings if you need it, or you are giving them $199 for nothing if you don't.

I'd personally rather keep my money and take the risk that I won't need it at all, which is exactly what I've done for the past 14 years. I also never use a case. Or a screen protector.

Having a $100 less expensive screen replacement doesn't eliminate the hassle of having the broken screen and having to take the time to get it fixed in the first place. The case offers extra protection against damage. The protection plan offers a cost savings if damage occurs anyway.


>But how about going naked?

It's the only way to go.


t1_itff3mt wrote

My device has Applecare+ on it.

I threw it in a case anyways, but haven't bothered with a screen protector. The case is there to give me a better grip, and so the device can lie flat instead of being propped up by its own camera bump.


t1_itgu1dx wrote

I use a leather case because I don’t like scratches on my phone and I like some level of protection against small drops. I’ve always thought screen protectors are terrible though. I hate screen protectors almost as much as I hate scratches, lol.


t1_itf9isj wrote

For the past few phones 12 Pro Max and X I have gone without a screen protector and plan doing the same with 14 pro max. I do put a case on, but the reason for not using a screen protector is because the dust and lint it collects on the sides of it and when they install it, all the dust and lint or whatever stays behind the protector bothers me and OCD goes on. Scratches which both of my previous phones had but were very minor did not bother me as much as the dirt and lint, weird isn’t it. But well scratches aren’t seen while screen is on while dust particles or lint behind the screen protector is and yes I have done the tape method to remove the left over dust and lint but man that is time consuming and anxiety issue for me..

I do have Apple care+ and with it they usually do send the replacement unit first before sending yours.

Enjoy the phone


t1_itddrho wrote

I love to see people getting along so well lol!

Anyway, I’ve been going back and forth with this myself and I came to the conclusion that while I’d love to use my phone as nature intended, I can’t afford the time inconvenience of having to go to the Apple Store and wait for a repair or replacement. It would take at least a half of a day for me given the commute, etc.

If I have to go because my phone is broken and I have no choice than so be it but I’d be mad if I could avoid the scenario completely by just using a case. But this is very subjective and under different circumstances, like living in a metropolitan area where Apple stores are a dime a dozen, than maybe I’d be more inclined. I mean I DO already pay for Apple care + ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Also someone mentioned e-waste and I think that’s a pretty valid point though there are some holes in that logic. Technically you’d be producing more e-waste by damaging a phone beyond repair that now needs to be fully replaced so that broken tech is now a form of e-waste buuuut my outlook on the matter is that positive environmental change will only be effective if the changes happen from the top down, starting with major corporations and trickling down to consumer habits. You could probably break 4 million iPhones and still not produce as much e-waste as major companies but don’t quote me on that lol.

Good luck with your decision.


t1_ite5n7z wrote

I’ve had 12 phones (would’ve been 11 if partner didn’t put one in the washing machine) over 15 years and never had Apple Care.

I shattered one phone out of that so instead of paying $3,200 (assuming the cost was always the same) it cost me $110 to replace the screen. Assuming partner had it too still would have cost $1,300 over the years.

And the time I shattered it my fault for picking feature / style over protection. That case probably made it worse as it was heavy due to a full magnet and didn’t have raised corners. I was looking at it when I dropped it because I got bumped. It landed corner down on the road and shattered the screen. Didn’t do that mistake again.

So zero savings having Apple Care…

Now the magnets in the case are light and built in and the case is drop proof from 2m. Still don’t use screen protector because I hate how they feel and how they diminish the quality of the screen.

Since the 13PM I also have a PopWallet which helps holding it.


t1_itd9tk0 wrote

You should not look after your phone so you get a refurbished one. Have fun with the refurbished phone.


OP t1_itdb05g wrote

Hmm... thanks for telling me. The Apple staff did not tell me that. Something I need to keep in mind.


t1_itddiys wrote

Ignore that. Apple replacements may be refurbished but they’re impossible to tell apart from a brand new device. Refurbished iPhones get a new screen, battery and outer shell. So it’s essentially a new phone with a reused logic board and cameras. They’re fully tested to the same level as brand new phones too.