kingcaru t1_iud895x wrote
Reply to comment by iamfromtwitter in What do you think will happen to the empty space in the new Iphone where the sim card used to be? by iamfromtwitter
So that in the presentation they can bring up that they have the best touch id sensor even though they were the ones who took it out in the first place
kingcaru t1_iud46g6 wrote
Reply to Crazy question lol by Normal-Question-1994
Hey FBI, we found him
kingcaru t1_itxv1t6 wrote
I've had an esim for 3 years and never had an issue. Unless of course your carrier is piss poor in general.
kingcaru t1_itxrlav wrote
Reply to How do you decide to which apps to keep background refresh turned on, on your iPhone? by [deleted]
I've always had them off. Weather too. I can just look outside for that.
kingcaru t1_iteth4b wrote
Reply to comment by infinityandbeyond75 in About protecting your iPhone if you have Apple Care (Also about user experience). by 4O4-N0T-F0UND
This is exactly it.
kingcaru t1_ite7bar wrote
Reply to comment by Sarnadas in iPhone 14 Pro Max - best camera settings? by MalteseFalcon15
It's the black keys, duh
kingcaru t1_j6bcl9e wrote
Reply to comment by OhNoItsLockett in Low power mode. Do you use it? by Bismarck_seas
I get 2+ days without low power mode. Take it off. Or else you wasted your money on a phone youre not using to its fullest