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Codymont88 OP t1_iuhcfjy wrote

Reply to comment by Kindnexx in 14 pro max camera question by Codymont88

The best example is from :30 to :35 seconds into the video. I’m wondering if what he did there is possible once the video has been shot or did he film the same event 3 different times at each zoom


Kindnexx t1_iuhd0ti wrote

:30 - :33 is probably a single take with varying zoom/lens, edited to be on beat and with a stagger

:34 - :37 is less edited and you see the actual transition between the zoom/lenses


Codymont88 OP t1_iuhrei1 wrote

Cool thanks :) how can I create the same affect? Is there an option to switch between lenses i On the edit screen? Or does he have someone filming him switching lenses manually during the shot