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andrew_a7 t1_j6i4zua wrote

My man got the phone 2 months before launch…


DougMydek t1_j6i5bt4 wrote

The phone came out September 16th my dude.. youre far from correct.


DougMydek t1_j6i5esj wrote

My bad on being a half of the month off..


Generalrossa t1_j6i605k wrote

Sounds like you have a lemon. Doesn’t mean the 14 itself is ‘hot garbage’.


DougMydek t1_j6i9kpi wrote

All companies said that’s how the phone is, and that apps force closing by themselves is normal. That is a direct quote from an apple tech member.


DougMydek t1_j6i6r4x wrote

Well seeing as the number of other true reviews are saying the exact thing.. I’m gonna go with apple is defective on their coding and software development.. Not like it’s a surprise seeing as they pulled all 14s before the new year of 2022


Generalrossa t1_j6i77be wrote

Any links to your claims? I haven’t seen any reviews say any of this, mostly just a few angry redditors who just like yourself have had lemons for phones.


DougMydek t1_j6i9ydn wrote

You must be living under a fucking rock if you hadn’t seen any claims like this.. Complete paid shill by iPhone if you’re serious with your claim 😂


Generalrossa t1_j6iaa89 wrote

Like I said, if you can read. The only claims I’ve seen are other angry reddit users with lemon phones. Go get yours fixed, factory reset it as a start.

Yet you’ve still failed to provide any evidence of your claims, no respective YouTube reviewers or anything.


DougMydek t1_j6iam8x wrote

So explain why they halted production last year after launch? Surely with “as few of claims” like mine they wouldn’t have completely stopped the production.. Fact is less iphone we’re sold last year as androids.. Oh that’s why, I see now 😂


Generalrossa t1_j6ias4w wrote

All phones including other stuff were halted due to chip shortages, including android devices.


DougMydek t1_j6ib51r wrote

Mmm no. Read the news articles from the past and you’ll see clearly that chip shortages were not the case to why less iphones were sold seeing as they have one of the highest demands even though sales weren’t there for them again.


Generalrossa t1_j6ibtku wrote

Apple are still dominating the market in sales, even though they’ve dropped a small percentage, doesn’t mean any of what you’re saying is true. These days, not everyone needs or wants to update every year which makes total sense. Phones are as good as they are and will be for the coming years until something major comes.


FewSimple9 t1_j6i50gw wrote

You are using it wrong or got a defective one.

No issues here


Beautiful_Cow6458 t1_j6i6lki wrote

Same here. Having been with Android for the best part of a decade, I’m really enjoying my iPhone. No issues whatsoever which for me is great cos I had too many issues with Android.


DougMydek t1_j6i5sni wrote

Just because your unit hasn’t doesn’t mean others aren’t. This is the 8th one from my company as a whole that has had issues since purchase.


DougMydek t1_j6i7beb wrote

Of course bandwagoners gonna hate and say this is false 😂


CebuellaNiveiventris t1_j6i4r7r wrote

You're still under warranty, so you should probably just get your phone fixed.


DougMydek t1_j6ic6p1 wrote

Like I already said apple is saying there is nothing wrong as well as verizon, they are saying that is how the phone was designed..


monti9530 t1_j6i6grp wrote

You got this phone in August, clearly a prototype unit.

Even if I went the Android route, I would not buy a Samsung. The Pixel phones are so clean.


DougMydek t1_j6i9m7k wrote

September… But yeah


monti9530 t1_j6iair3 wrote

6 months ago from today is July 30th. I just figured you had a prototype.

Apple has the best warranties, you should be able to switch it. What version of iOS do you have? Has every version you have had it with been this buggy? My SE 2 is doing fine on 16.1.1


DougMydek t1_j6iaycu wrote

September was 5months ago bud.. So an extra 2 weeks give or take two weeks makes six months in February


monti9530 t1_j6ic826 wrote

5 months ago from today was August 30th.

Ask Siri what day it was 6 months ago and it will reply July 30th. Thats a month a half you added for drama, bud. You added 48 days or a bit more than a month and a half.


user267811 t1_j6i712a wrote

You android spy can gtfo


DougMydek t1_j6i7exy wrote

Baseless comment from another conformist who is happy to pay double for phone tech that isn’t even there 😂


Evilhammy t1_j6i71xs wrote

this definitely reads like someone who’s never owned an iphone and has some weird phone war complex


DougMydek t1_j6i8h14 wrote

I’ve owned an apple product since 2007 bud, try again.


dskatter t1_j6i76wg wrote

Then…invoke warranty and get a replacement, yo. That isn’t normal.


BestBoy_54 t1_j6i9j1a wrote

Man your comments are so sad. Imaging wasting your “supposed” birthday talking no sense on Reddit.


xgpc2 t1_j6i4gi7 wrote

Have you contacted apple maybe you have a issue with your phone by chance? When I upgraded to the xs when it came out I had a issue with my antenna on my phone, and it wouldn’t load anything on cellular and apple could even see that when I brang my phone in, and they replaced it for me as a hardware defect.


DougMydek t1_j6i566c wrote

I have. I’ve contacted them, my companies IT, and verizon l, none can give me answers other than to reset. None of which has helped in any of the 4 attempts.


DougMydek t1_j6i82pk wrote

Welp looks like this post was consumed by iPhone bots and shills who have never had any other phone besides an iphone in the past 6 years. Phone and software is literally trash and yall keep paying for it 😂 No wonder apple stocks are on the decline this past year. “Provide examples and proof”.. “Apple stops Iphone 14 production due to inability to sell..”

Redditards: Derr this the besft fone I evUr had.. YeW DunT knuwh whuT tAlKeNg aBouT..

Me: After having an Iphone since 2009… 😂


dskatter t1_j6i899b wrote

Oh look, this is purely a troll post.


BestBoy_54 t1_j6ia9gv wrote

Mods should leave this post up, so we can come here and laugh every now and then.


DougMydek t1_j6icbq1 wrote

Leave it as a staple of y’all’s lack of accountability and hivemindness


DougMydek t1_j6i6l1z wrote

Wow should know a bunch of iphone bandwaggoners would have jumped on here instead of actual tech discussion 😂 Enjoy yalls shItePhones 🤣


territrades t1_j6i71d3 wrote

For an actual discussion, you should have provided some specific problem you have. "Nothing works and this thing is complete trash" is not a starting point for a discussion, especially when there are millions of units sold to happy customers.


DougMydek t1_j6i7i7p wrote

Can you not read? This is a reoccurring problem for many iphone users. There’s literally thousands of articles and posts online about it.


dskatter t1_j6i83we wrote

If there’s thousands, link a couple 14-specific posts instead of just rawr hot garbage rawr.


territrades t1_j6ic1u3 wrote

1st, I am not seeing thousands of articles. Where are they?

2nd, Apple sells more than 100,000,000 iPhones each year. A small percentage of any consumer electronic product is always defective, no matter which brand or manufacturer. Companies selling more units will also have more defective units, naturally. Having a working iPhone is not news, nobody posts about it.


dskatter t1_j6i7e7l wrote

Posts with “Yo the 14 is STRAIGHT HOT GARBAGE!” as the title

expects actual tech discussion


DougMydek t1_j6i877w wrote

Gives examples of how tech is garbage..

Redditards: Reeeeeeee 😖


AmmophobicSandworm t1_j6i9cuq wrote

You posted on r/iPhone, you dope.


DougMydek t1_j6i9thr wrote

Exquisite rebuttal pleb..


AmmophobicSandworm t1_j6i9wyv wrote

You're wondering why iPhone people are commenting in defense of the iPhone, when you posted on the iPhone subreddit. Are you dense or a troll? What did you expect?


DougMydek t1_j6ia52o wrote

I said bandwaggoners pleb, try to stay instep if you want to be part of the discussion. Otherwise your baseless comments will get destroyed like the ram of an iphone 14 trying to run youtube and instagram.


AmmophobicSandworm t1_j6ib4qk wrote

Again, you're on the iPhone subreddit. If I copied your post verbatim and replaced it with a Samsung and posted it on the Samsung subreddit, I'd get similar responses. You're very clearly a troll, or you don't understand how Reddit works. Funny enough, just about every benchmark test around shows iPhones consistently beating Android phones and nearly every performance metric, despite having less RAM. It's a very well-known fact that software and hardware optimizations can preclude the need for additional RAM. If a phone needs 16GB of RAM to run YouTube, there's a problem.

If you're actually having all these issues, you clearly have a defective device since that vast vast majority of people are not having these issues. You are still under warranty and could have it replaced or fixed, but It seems, however, that you are not actually interested in a solution and just want to argue online.


DougMydek t1_j6ibl2a wrote

So you think that your reply was viable knowing you were going to deliberately post bias reviews regardless of what the other factually proves? It seems you redditards don’t actually know how to take criticism and fester with your like minded hivemind groups. Explains why one party favors the phone over others 😂


AmmophobicSandworm t1_j6ibrq9 wrote

"Regardless of what the other factually proves?"

What are you even referring to? You haven't posted anything in defense of your claim despite being asked in this thread on multiple occasions. You're definitely one of those "anything I don't agree with is fake news and biased" kinda morons, aren't you?


DougMydek t1_j6ic22r wrote

“What are you even referring to..” (as they look past the facts over the last 6 months)


DougMydek t1_j6ibodx wrote

Also you have to be inept to not know all Apple phones are made with samsung products 😂


AmmophobicSandworm t1_j6icdn4 wrote

Wow, talk about a red herring. That's totally off-topic, was never mentioned, and is irrelevant. I did know that, in fact, and that's common that competitors use each other's parts. Not a great look for Samsung that their parts are being used in a phone that outperforms and outsells their own, lol. Also, if all iPhones are made with Samsung parts, and iPhones suck according to you, what does that say about Samsung and their parts?

Look, It is very clear that you're only here to argue, so I won't waste my time any longer. Have fun.


DougMydek t1_j6ickrc wrote

Lmao leave it up to a bunch of crackers to defend a company that sells their “private data” 🤣
