
DougMydek t1_j6ibl2a wrote

So you think that your reply was viable knowing you were going to deliberately post bias reviews regardless of what the other factually proves? It seems you redditards don’t actually know how to take criticism and fester with your like minded hivemind groups. Explains why one party favors the phone over others 😂


DougMydek t1_j6ib51r wrote

Mmm no. Read the news articles from the past and you’ll see clearly that chip shortages were not the case to why less iphones were sold seeing as they have one of the highest demands even though sales weren’t there for them again.


DougMydek t1_j6iam8x wrote

So explain why they halted production last year after launch? Surely with “as few of claims” like mine they wouldn’t have completely stopped the production.. Fact is less iphone we’re sold last year as androids.. Oh that’s why, I see now 😂


DougMydek t1_j6i82pk wrote

Welp looks like this post was consumed by iPhone bots and shills who have never had any other phone besides an iphone in the past 6 years. Phone and software is literally trash and yall keep paying for it 😂 No wonder apple stocks are on the decline this past year. “Provide examples and proof”.. “Apple stops Iphone 14 production due to inability to sell..”

Redditards: Derr this the besft fone I evUr had.. YeW DunT knuwh whuT tAlKeNg aBouT..

Me: After having an Iphone since 2009… 😂


DougMydek t1_j6i6r4x wrote

Well seeing as the number of other true reviews are saying the exact thing.. I’m gonna go with apple is defective on their coding and software development.. Not like it’s a surprise seeing as they pulled all 14s before the new year of 2022
