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bristow84 t1_j6n5mxc wrote

I made the jump to the 14PM a few months ago after a decade of purely Android devices and I'm not going to sugar coat it, you will get frustrated and annoyed the first few days of use.

You'll be used to the way Android does things and the difference can be jarring in certain aspects. The notifications on iPhone are pretty shit in comparison to Android and that's still my biggest sticking point but otherwise I can't say I regret my decision. Well other than the fact that I ended up buying an Apple Watch and then later on a Macbook in large part due to the ecosystem.

What I recommend you do is go to an Apple Store and buy the device outright. It's a large chunk of change yes but if you live somewhere with a 14 Day Return Policy, it gives you some time to test out the device and determine if you like it. Again though, the first few days could be frustrating so you have to push through that.