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InvaderMixo t1_ja862bm wrote

Easily contestable in court if you have any shred of proof. The question is if you have the patience and time to go to evening municipal court and plead your case. I had two erroneous parking tickets and beat them twice. You'll need to have pictures ready. You'll need to face-to-face with a bottom-tier city prosecutor who is only interested in generating revenue. But if you have genuine proof (they love pictures), speak to the judge politely, and patiently wait your turn you'll very likely get the ticket dismissed.


trillmello97 OP t1_ja86e3v wrote

I have the screenshot showing payment and the time period I was competed for along with the ticket itself proving that it was issued during that time period. Part of me wants to forfeit the $50 to avoid that process but the simple principle of the matter is going to make me fight this thing. Thank you, this comment will be duly noted.


bodhipooh t1_ja8c8az wrote

You may not even need to do virtual court. They instituted an online ticket dispute process and you can upload your proof along with an explanation. I have had two tickets dismissed going that route.


STMIHA t1_ja96iym wrote

This. OP shouldn’t be paying a 50 dollar lazy tax. It just incentivizes incompetence on the city’s party.


bodhipooh t1_jaanndp wrote

100% agreed. I have seen (and dealt with) enough of that in the past and now refuse to pay without at least trying to fight it.


aggressivetumor t1_ja9fou2 wrote

I’ve called before in Hoboken & sent my receipts in an email. & they never said anything, but I also never got a letter for nonpayment for that ticket either. It’s happened more than enough. #BoycottParkingAuthority