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flapjack212 t1_j71rigu wrote

it is privately owned and given you didn't know, you (personally) likely cannot park there

the street parking is also not public. i see cars booted in the lot and all along that street all the time, the developer/owner seems quite picky about it.

if jersey city parking authority hired those guys they'd hit the annual quota before the month of January was over...


Available-Meaning-50 t1_j71wtn3 wrote

Private parking lot used by hospital employees, condo residents and Zeppelin Hall customers. If the bar is open, you can park in the lot but they’ll start booting cars once it closes/early the next morning. All the side streets around the condos are private and you’ll need a permit issued by the condos to park on the street.


dylanserling t1_j71xrws wrote

The lot is managed by the folks who manage the surrounding Liberty Harbour apartment buildings. They charge by the month for assigned spots, but I think you need to live in one of their buildings to be allowed to park there. You can try calling them to find out. Do not park there without registering - you’ll be booted or towed.


FinalIntern8888 t1_j71ya8y wrote

Used to park there to visit friends but yeah you’re not supposed to


BeMadTV t1_j73rr5u wrote

My friend parked there and met me at Barcade once, I was wondering why he was out of breath lol we met at 3 PM and this was when street parking was two hours until 5 PM lol

I loved that lot for Golden Cicada. Which I'd walk to from 15th Street, but drive when it got cold.


stevel024 t1_j75igwn wrote

You can park there overnight if you ask the front desk people at 9 Regent. They'll give you a pass, I think it was $10 or $15 dollars to park, I can't remember.