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halocene_epic t1_j9wbck6 wrote

Not sure if any gyms (or any establishments) have Covid protocols anymore. People in general have gotten better with personal space and wiping down equipment. What makes someone high risk? Disclaimer: I may be ignorant but also curious.


Knobbies4Ever t1_j9xdam0 wrote

Not OP, but I have a good friend with a family member with MS - and they (friend) mask up / take extra precautions. Guessing anyone with an immune condition or taking immunosuppressant meds (or living with someone who is) would still be careful.


coldbrew_nut t1_j9yh885 wrote

High risk = immunocompromised. Could be due to heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, age, the list goes on


ScumbagMacbeth t1_j9ynpx2 wrote

LOL people have not gotten better with wiping down equipment, they're disgusting. I just went back to the gym for the first time since before covid (masked with a kn95 and trying to distance) and wipe down everything before I use it as well because people are disgusting.

I'm not the OP but I'm high risk because I have an autoimmune disease and also I have a job that gets extremely fucked up if I call out sick or expose anyone else to covid.


bodhipooh t1_ja0ei7f wrote

I have to agree with you about people being disgusting. Even if there was no concern about COVID, wiping down equipment after using it is a basic courtesy. We recently moved into a building we love, but this is one thing (out of three) that really bothers me: seemingly no one wipes weight machines, or treadmills, after using them. I watch people hop on and off during my daily runs and not once have I seen someone come back to wipe them after finishing. My best guess is that most people think/feel that cleaning the equipment after using it is to be done by the staff. Drives me bananas, but I’m more or less resigned to this happening.


halocene_epic t1_j9zmksr wrote

People at Base are pretty good about wiping down their equipment.

Again, just curious. Did your doctor advise you to continue to wear your mask?


ScumbagMacbeth t1_j9zmqub wrote

People at Heights Fitness are fucking disgusting. Yes. And even if they didn't, there's no harm in wearing one. I also find it very helpful for my allergies.