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garth_meringue t1_ja165kj wrote

"Gifts" of a certain size are often considered unethical and give the appearance of impropriety.


halocene_epic t1_ja18lbb wrote

I still don’t get the “outrage.” Seems like these are business trips for the future JC location with museum organization. If anything shouldn’t we be happy tax dollars weren’t spent?


garth_meringue t1_ja19zs0 wrote

Jersey City politicians have arranged for a substantial amount of tax money to go to Pompidou. Now they are receiving gifts in return. They are also not being transparent. Hope this helps.


G_Funk_Error t1_ja2vw9j wrote

Because if there’s no conflict of interest, there should be no issue disclosing how it was funded. Period. Oh and Steve ran on a platform of complete transparency, so…


halocene_epic t1_ja3h8b3 wrote

Ok I get it now. They should just disclose. Thanks for the explanation and downvotes folks!