Submitted by t3_10x63db in jerseycity

I just received word from my baby’s daycare - located in Paulus Hook- that there are reports of a raccoon with rabies that has already attacked two people. It sounds like the attacks have been reported to Animal Control, which is working to capture the animal. Just figured I would pass along the message. Be on the lookout and stay safe!



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t1_j7qnvrx wrote

Ha! I was warned about this raccoon by a Verizon service tech last night! That thing must really be making an impression everywhere it goes.


t1_j7qkb8w wrote

Thank you! I live in PH so will be extra careful venturing outside


t1_j7ql7ec wrote

Wow just after I commented i spotted the rabid raccoon on Morris street. Heard a lady scream and looked outside and there it was. Called my building to let them know but not sure what else I could’ve done


t1_j7qmna7 wrote

I also called animal control to report it. Should anyone see it, please report it to 201-547-4888


t1_j7rn06o wrote

I saw it attack a small dog by van vorst park. I called animal control and it took 30 minutes to connect with someone


t1_j7urc3s wrote

Just a reminder that if you get bit by ANY animal, you should get a rabies vaccine immediately. If you wait until you start showing symptoms it's too late.


t1_j7vkfvh wrote

Raccoon update: Animal Control has not caught the raccoon yet. They also said this is their baby season so there’s lots of protective raccoon mamas out there which might explain the dog attacks. They have no way of knowing if a raccoon has rabies unless they catch it and test it.


t1_j7vnr2m wrote

> catch it and test it.

That means kill it.

There is no testing that can diagnose rabies in a living animal.


t1_j7vtkzs wrote

Well, if they catch it and it survives for more than 3 days, they can certainly rule out rabies...


t1_j7zkqgx wrote

At this point there’s also the possibility that they find its dead body somewhere and can test it.


t1_j7rwgf5 wrote

Is it dead yet? It was running down my street earlier!


t1_j7smeb1 wrote

As of 4pm no. A lady from animal control was going around Van Vorst park warning everyone.


t1_j7s32j1 wrote

Can't say for sure, but a rabid raccoon is usually dead within 1-3 days of becoming infectious. If people started seeing this thing last night, it's probably pretty close to being dead, if not already


t1_j7tk7b7 wrote

I know absolutely nothing about rabid raccoons, but I sure as hell hope that you are correct. I don’t even live in the Paulus Hook neighborhood but this post just unlocked a new fear.


t1_j7u2q7l wrote

A whole city of people and nobody can solve one raccoon with rabies. Yep sounds like new jersey


t1_j7tmyy2 wrote

I posted about a raccoon running wild weeks ago and urging people to be safe especially with children and pets and I got attacked with multiple comments saying racoons don't attack people, it's no big deal, yada yada yada. The comments were so obnoxious, silly and relentless that I just deleted the post completely.


t1_j7xmyt0 wrote

This raccoon showed up on my balcony yesterday! I was on a work call and saw it out of the corner of my eye.


t1_j7rznos wrote

We got the same email today from my kid’s school and I was SHOCKED. They seem to have not told the kids about it because they had no idea (she’s about to be 4 and if she heard about a raccoon afoot she wouldn’t be able to stop talking about it)


t1_j7su53p wrote

I hope that this raccoon was caught. This has made me nervous about the safety of the feral cat that I look after.


t1_j7w8rfe wrote

Your feral cat makes me nervous about the rat i feed


t1_j7xmg0k wrote

I'm glad you find it amusing. I help cats in need, for years. Learn to have a filter, keep it civil.
