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Savings-Fix938 t1_j7umhzb wrote

Yayy more chains/fast fashion in a city that has no need for any! 🙂🙂


objectimpermanence t1_j7urh23 wrote

I’ll bet that most of the people who would shop there would otherwise shop at one of the Uniqlo stores in NYC.

Better to have them spend money in JC and support jobs here rather than in NYC.


FloatingWeight t1_j7uvm3f wrote

Not a clothing chain, I only buy my locally hand made artisanal clothes 😤


kittyglitther t1_j7vv432 wrote

Pardon moix, but I make my own clothing from hair that I pull out of my shower drain, it's really the only way to remain ethical.

Sent from my iPhone


WinterGoddess_ t1_j7vymgy wrote

Have the same energy with the phone you used to make that comment 🤓