
kittyglitther t1_je2rm7m wrote

Frankie. Very soothing colors (lots of pink and pink is the color of love) and great drinks (they have an above average wine list with some unique stuff in there).


kittyglitther t1_jdnqcgn wrote

State laws say that disabled persons who have a disability parking placard are the only people that can legally use them.

Note, though, that they can use them and receive parking privileges as either: a driver, or a passenger.

This means that a disabled driver can use a placard in another car, but he/she has to be present in the car when the tag is displayed.

For example, a disabled driver can use a parking placard in another family member’s vehicle. He/she can use it as either the driver, or can sit in the car as a passenger and let the relative drive. If the latter, and the relative is the person parking, then he/she is authorized to park in a handicapped parking space.

However, a disabled driver cannot “loan” a disabled sticker to a family member so that he/she can secure a close parking spot at a parking lot for the person’s own convenience.

The misuse of a disabled parking placard is treated slightly differently among all states. However, it is generally considered an infraction and can get punished by means of:

a fine, the revocation of the placard, and/or community service.

Seems like it's a no. Probably not worth it to lie over this as it means your mom might lose her placard. Take the fine and move on.


kittyglitther t1_jcveg7c wrote

What's your budget? "Budget" + Nice + Space + Room for car + closer to PATH + Bike into JC is a hard list of requirements. What are the need to haves vs the nice to haves?

Jersey City Heights might be a fit. It's not super close to the PATH, parking is a pain in the ass, but it is more reasonable than downtown, it's safe, and you can find a place with a yard if that's what you mean by space.