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TheObliviousPickle t1_j9qgyip wrote

This kid is coming for an internship. It would be a wise investment over living in that area. Downtown is the only place I’d even consider recommending for someone coming out of college looking to start a life/career. Even then, eh.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_j9qh4y7 wrote

Depends on personality. I did the exact same thing once and as an introvert was very glad to be saving the money despite living in an older people neighborhood


TheObliviousPickle t1_j9qjs7i wrote

Some people are happy their pizza came cold from sitting out at the pizzeria because they prefer it cold. Doesn’t mean I’d recommend somebody order a cold pizza though. Most people would like it hot. Congrats on being a quirky outlier but please try not to dismiss quality general advice.