
TheObliviousPickle t1_j9qjs7i wrote

Some people are happy their pizza came cold from sitting out at the pizzeria because they prefer it cold. Doesn’t mean I’d recommend somebody order a cold pizza though. Most people would like it hot. Congrats on being a quirky outlier but please try not to dismiss quality general advice.


TheObliviousPickle t1_j6kncxr wrote

Reply to comment by edriona18 in Issues with HUD/Section8 by [deleted]

Maybe spend some of your weed money on paying back the rent you’re owed? We live in a capitalist society and unfortunately if you don’t work and make money you will be left behind.

This whole situation is absurd. Williamsburg is one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the world.


TheObliviousPickle t1_j5yfl0v wrote

Sure we can have open borders like we did in the 1700s when we were shitting in holes. But then we must abolish Medicaid, food stamps, section 8 and other social safety nets. If there is an open border and a guarantee to be taken care of financially, what’s stopping 3 billion people from coming here and sucking up the entire budget until it all falls apart?

You appear politically biased. I invite you to think about this without a political lense. Try not to be married to the party you “identify” with.


TheObliviousPickle t1_j1jv6i5 wrote

I personally love having one for beach trips and the like. Your issue is you bought a car that is wayyyy too expensive. Just downgrade to a civic or accord and you won’t be “paying $10k a year in depreciation”