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Ainsel72l t1_jdyyf37 wrote

Sam Pesin is the som of Morris Pesin, who is known as the founder of the park. Sam has been fighting rather valiantly for probably 30 years to keep corporate interests from taking over the park. It never seems to end. The first thing I personally remember was back when Bret Schundler was mayor and someone tried to put a waterpark in there. Then they wanted to race NASCAR or something similar through the park and parts of Jersey City. There is more, but it just never ends.


nuncio_populi t1_jdzhwpj wrote

There were TWO separate race track plans. One involved Formula-1. I don't know what the other involved.


Ainsel72l t1_jdzsxj5 wrote

Thanks. This stuff never ends. It's a constant assault of one kind or another. I figured I had the name wrong, but that's all I could could think of. :-)


Sybertron t1_je07k4q wrote

Would a couple of fields, a dog park, and a few nature walking trails be so much to ask...


nuncio_populi t1_je09xau wrote

For us? It apparently is too much to ask.

For Paul Fireman, it's too little because there's no way for him and his friends to make money from selling tickets to sporting events, music performance, and charging the state fees to build and maintain a bunch of commercial properties.