Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jeangrt wrote
Reply to comment by DirectorBeneficial48 in Lawsuit: Flo Rida’s 6-year-old son in ICU, suffered serious injuries after falling from Jersey City apartment window by bottomless-mimosa
Without a doubt the landlord is liable at this point. But what puzzles me is how can a parent simply shrug if a irresponsible landlord fails to protect their child and not take matters into their own hands? Window guards are not hard to install, and withholding the the cost from the rent would be totally justifiable. Plus, why was the window open to begin with? It's March for god sakes! I have yet to meet a rental window that a six-year-old could open easily.
AccountantOfFraud t1_jeas6ow wrote
We've had some pretty decent weather lately and some people prefer outdoor air vs AC.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jeb62cb wrote
This was 3 weeks ago. And why not just crack the window, or open the top not the bottom. If you're concerned about your kid's life that is....
cmc t1_jeb849v wrote
Maybe it was cracked and the kid opened it the rest of the way.
I think it's a little....cruel to blame the victims in this. The mom reported it to the landlord, you're not supposed to have to do this work yourself in a rental.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jeb90bl wrote
Like I said, that would have to be some strong determined 6 year old for most windows I've met.
As for victim blaming, there's a bad guy here, but people need to be less helpless and passive. It reminds me a bit of the people who cross the road with their nose buried in their phone because it's a crosswalk and they have right of way. Yes, they're right, but it's not a great survival strategy in the real world.
cmc t1_jeb9lq2 wrote
It's not that I disagree with's that a lot of people don't feel comfortable working with tools in a place they don't own, and especially not installing something safety related. Whether it's good or not to be that way, many people (probably including this mom) have never owned their own places so they're not accustomed to doing their own manual work that way. I know I'd hire someone to install safety bars, would absolutely not be comfortable doing that and I own my place. Certainly wouldn't be messing with drilling bars into walls in a rental.
As for the windows....I dunno what kind of hardcore fortresses you've been living in but every place I've ever lived has windows that, um, can be opened. Easily. By just like, putting a little upwards pressure on them. A two-year-old couldn't open it but a six-year-old should be able to.
ceeyell t1_jebhlie wrote
Article about a 6 year old falling out of a window....turns into an angry rant about pedestrians. Fabulous, right on cue.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jede1u5 wrote
Wow, if you think that was angry you must not get out much.
ScumbagMacbeth t1_jeb8aqx wrote
My 4th floor apartment gets HOT when it's cold out. I almost always have at least one window open. (And I run cold, so for a normal person they'd probably need more.) Older buildings were actually designed this way to increase air circulation in the winter months.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jeb9qdd wrote
That's an issue, and one I can't believe a landlord continues in this era of high energy costs. I assume it's an old steam heat building, but even with that there's solutions to that problem like thermostatic rad valves. Have you ever simply turned off some of the radiators? When we had a 6th fl apt in the city I think we had only one rad on in the whole place.
ScumbagMacbeth t1_jeba6we wrote
I like having windows open for fresh air in the winter.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jebahbb wrote
Do you pay anything for your heat? And never mind the cost, think of the carbon being spewed by that waste.
ScumbagMacbeth t1_jebb7su wrote
I don't pay for heat. My carbon footprint is otherwise lower than most so I think I'm allowed this one thing that improves my quality of life.
robin_tern t1_jefk7c6 wrote
Surefire way to get a leak with those old radiator valves if you turn them on and off repeatedly :-)
I tell my tenants please not to touch them.
Blecher_onthe_Hudson t1_jefuq7x wrote
Tighten the bonnet nut, or repack it to be sure. The easier way to stop the steam is just stick a toothpick into the vent hole of the air vent valve!
God I hate steam.
Suzyqzeee t1_jecsxlt wrote
It's one of the new buildings near NJCU.
mooseLimbsCatLicks t1_jebc75f wrote
Reminds me of the family I met where kids had a near drowning at the community pool. Toddler who walked there . Well, it happened a second time and second time wasn’t a near drowning. Failure to watch your kid around potentially dangerous objects/locations is a failure of parenting.
Now flo rida just won 80 million dollars in an unrelated lawsuit, some sports drink or company he promoted that blew up and tried to not pay him. The guy is rich as hell. Why the hell is his kid In this situation. Shitty situation all around. All the money in the world can’t help them if he landed on his head.
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