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[deleted] t1_jdcdf5o wrote


ThenIGetAChipwichOK t1_jdciayn wrote

A cause doesn’t have to be overtly political to be, in my opinion, wrong, craven, and disgusting. I’d urge you to read up on this subject. Sorry, but Paul Fireman isn’t pouring money into this fake grassroots campaign because he loves soccer fields. He’s doing it because he wants to take over part of the park to make more money for his golf course, which you and I will never be able to afford to visit. I promise you that if he succeeds, none of the rich people who come to the PGA events will stop at your brewery. They’ll get on the ferry that leaves from his walled-off golf course and go back to Manhattan.

I, on the other hand, live in walking distance! I like your beer! Love when you have an emo band! I’ve spent lots of money at your place. But this kind of thing is a huge turn off.

I’d encourage to read more about the cause you are hosting:


Stunning_Lingonberry t1_jdcf682 wrote

Was it political when you held a press conference over state regulations with a handful of politicians, including Amy Degise the day before she hit a cyclist? Because I was inclined to support you there, but right now, FUCK 902.


BrewedInJerseyCity t1_jdcfk2f wrote

Yes, state regulations against the brewing industry. Us and every other brewery in the state have spoken up there. It is/was directly in our lane. Read the presser. That is the extent that we ever get involved in politics.


Stunning_Lingonberry t1_jdch1z6 wrote

Well, enjoy losing more business, from actual residents. Whether with the boys after a long day at Cinelease or alone at E and M's, I'll never touch your beer. I love the PATH ipa, but there are other beers that don't support a Billionaire trying to take our park.


njmids t1_jdehsow wrote

Relax bro. “Actual residents” money is just as green as anyone else’s.


el_tigrox OP t1_jdcfwnl wrote

Can you answer if you will be canceling this event?


glo46 t1_jdcosqq wrote

How about you do something more proactive and start a go fund me to cover their losses of the event and the possible consequences they'll face down the road for canceling?


mikevago t1_jdcjy7y wrote

It's absolutely political. The billionaire behind this astroturf campaign is trying to change the law so that private entities can develop public land. And he's trying to destroy the Caven Point nature preserve, (which apart from being a crucial wildlife habitat, is a beautiful spot that belongs to everyone), so he can wall it off for his millionaires-only country club.

Every part of that is political. It's 100% political down to the bedrock. And when you support the deeply shitty politics of a billionaire who wants to destroy a nature preserve and take away public land to make a greasy buck off of it, you absolutely deserve a backlash. Because you took a political stance on behalf of a deeply dishonest cause, and now you're being dishonest on top of that by claiming it's not political.