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cC2Panda t1_ir1xgl6 wrote

>They didnt raise the school tax levy for years, only deciding to do so when it was an emergency since the state withdrew their funding (which was inevitable)

You know that because we didn't have full autonomy from the State Abbott districts until 2017 we had limited authority on changing taxes for schooling. Because the state funding was a function of a % of local spending they limited the BOE ability to increase funding unilaterally.

> Who is to say they wont decide to close schools again for a winter peak. Nobody knows because they haven't said anything.

Even during the Omicron outbreak in 2021 we only went remote for 5 days, so I severely doubt that quadruple vaxxed teachers are gonna shutdown. I mean just compare the general environment now compared to any other point since March 2020 and it's fair to say that the majority of people are basically done trying to mitigate anything short of getting vaccinated.

Not to try to sound like I'm making excuses for everything I'm sure there are tons of things to be fixed but I don't know enough about the finer points, like schools lunch quality or busing. I'm just EXTREMELY skeptical of anyone who comes in talking about fiscal responsibility with no concrete plan and funding from a LeFrak PAC.

If any of the three running had actual tangible actions for how they intend to make the system more efficient that isn't freezing teacher pay and "removing programs"(literally no more detail than that), I could consider them, but as it is 90% platitudes and Republican PAC funding take them out of contention for me.


mooseLimbsCatLicks OP t1_ir28rg9 wrote

No the school board retained the power to increase the school tax levy. It is an independent power granted to them, independent from the city budget. It just didn’t do it for many many years until the state announced it was withdrawing . Probably since they were allied with the mayor at that time and didn’t want to increase taxes. Think the days of the dishonorable sudhan thomas. They have an allowable increase of a few percent per year (don’t remember the number). When the state announced their cuts few years ago I read up a lot on civic JC’s blog. They only started doing that when it became a big commotion. So instead of being proactive, they fell behind and had a much larger deficit than they would have.