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Blecher_onthe_Hudson OP t1_itna26b wrote

Ok, maybe I'm doing it wrong. How do you make your inquiry and what did it cost you? FWIW, I just got it done. I paid them more than they asked.


johnbell t1_ito10rk wrote

Next time use Craigslist. I hired a dude for $15 to help me lift my tv onto my mantle. Literally 15 seconds of work and then he long boarded into the sunset. I tossed him a pre-roll because he was a chill dude.


mmmmyah t1_itoaims wrote

craigslist cool - do you happen to have his contact info


johnbell t1_itobpkb wrote

This is after I moved about a month ago, sorry.


cC2Panda t1_itnh76f wrote

Not sure what I did different but just searching for individuals to move things has been pretty straight forward.