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HappyArtichoke7729 t1_irz69gx wrote

Not only everything you said, but you also shouldn't let folks take money out of your account or sign up for "autopay".


Blecher_onthe_Hudson OP t1_irz7cnr wrote

Ok grandpa. Whatever. And I won't buy things over that 'internet thing' with a credit card.

EDIT: Since they deleted it, I was responding to happyartichoke saying not to pay anything by ACH.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_irz7n22 wrote

No, false. Let me explain this to you buddy.

The problem with autopay is people can just take money out of your account, and if they take too much or keep taking it after you're done with them, then the onus is ON YOU to spend a bunch of YOUR TIME trying to talk them into giving you YOUR OWN MONEY back.

If they ask for money and you pay them, the onus is ON THEM to spend THEIR TIME chasing you if there is a misunderstanding.


Jimmoe t1_is0apre wrote

You're right. Many years ago, Verizon, through autopay, withdrew an additional random $300 from our checking account. After many hours of phone calls to various reps and mangers, they owned up to their mistake. However, Verizon refused to refund the money. The $300 had to be used as credit for future bills. Yeah, Verizon sucks.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_irz6o90 wrote

Depends what it is. Things with variable billing? Absolutely not. I want to audit the bill before I pay.

Do I want to pay a $10 surcharge to Verizon every month for a set payment? Not really. They call it an "autopay discount", but it's really a surcharge since they advertise pricing with the discount already included. FTC if they really wanted could step in on this bullshit, but it's too small and they're too toothless to do anything. Easy enough have the bank block transactions and threaten them with small claims court if necessary.