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OkAbbreviations4982 OP t1_it1marb wrote

This article does a better job of explaining the increase. The 3rd quarter tax bill had placed an average extra $1200 for schools. The 4th quarter tax bill will see an extra $1160 for the city. If you remember the 3rd quarter tax bills were resent so Fulop could add a letter blaming the BOE for the increase. I doubt we will now see a letter blaming Fulop or the council for this one.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_it2f7kb wrote

Most downtown rentals are worth way more than the average property in JC (certain neighborhoods hold the averages down).

Even if a unit is at city average valuation that’s $190/month rent increase not even factoring in inflation. So realistically more like $250-275/mo for a small 1 bedroom. Before inflation.

Get ready for a ton of “is $200/mo+ rent increase unconscionable?” posts.


Comfortable_Act_684 t1_it2g4mx wrote

This city is relentless on homeowners. If only we had good return on our tax dollars.


bodhipooh t1_it2g53y wrote

With mortgage rates so high, and taxes going up so fast locally, it wouldn't be at all surprising if the local real estate market takes a hit in the near future. We shall find out very soon.


ffejie t1_it2ich3 wrote

The real question is *when* do they tell us what the actual numbers are? Bill is due in under 2 weeks, and they still can't tell me what I owe. What on earth is going on at City Hall? If you can't publish the numbers 30 (ideally 90) days ahead of time, you have to skip the increase this quarter and go with historical values. Go ahead and hit us next quarter. You can't expect people to just fly blind to one of the biggest costs of the year.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_it2igmc wrote

We could always take the turnpike extension money and use it for this instead.


bodhipooh t1_it2xq2m wrote

ha ha ha! Another reval? You think we waited 30 years for one but somehow the local admin will push (or, allow) another one already? Keep dreaming. The next reval is ~10 years out, at the earliest.


OkAbbreviations4982 OP t1_it3a4ku wrote

Fulop wanted another reval almost immediately, likely to help out his buddies at Dixon.

"Fulop, in his state of the city address this week, said he plans to put a measure before the council in upcoming weeks to pave the way for a second reval in 2019, one that would readjust assessments after an expected dive in home values from the current reval."


bodhipooh t1_it3mhmi wrote

Dude, he had to come and say that. Dixon is/was a big donor for him. But, in reality, a new reval would do nothing for him, or the administration. DTJC residents are already upset and salty over their adjusted temperature tax bills. Another reval that adjusts values upwards significantly in JSQ, Heights, and/or BL will simply reinforce the narrative that the mayor is only in it for his "rich constituents" in DTJC and create *more* animosity in the electorate in the rest of the city. There is truly nothing to gain from another reval happening anytime soon. He will manage to piss off everyone. It's not like DTJC residents will suddenly turn around and be happy with their elevated tax bills, which will never come back down to the same level as before. There will not be another reval anytime soon, guaranteed.


kokoromelody t1_it40vmv wrote

From what I recall last year, the Q3 property tax amounts were similarly delayed and they gave an additional few weeks to homeowners to turn in payment because of it.

I agree with everything you've said though.


Happyjee t1_it45o8p wrote

At this point fuck it.. just sell your kidneys to the billionaires now. At some point people should literally use their voting power to make sure who they appoint do a good job and easily help understand what’s the return on the money being invested


Crazy-Consequence-26 t1_it9ouks wrote

The 4th quarter property tax bill will be available online on Monday (24th). Paper bill will be mailed by Friday (28th). There is a grace period. The deadline is Nov 28th. I spoke with someone at the tax collector office today. That person gave me my new property tax for 2022. I will have to pay almost $3000 for 4th quarter. I paid $2000 for 3rd quarter.