
Happyjee t1_j05byh8 wrote

A latte used to cost $3-4 few years back now it’s $6 and up. You then add the demand for increased tipping like 18% from the 0 to 10% before and you quickly realize how expensive everything has become. Tipping IMO is going to break soon as it’s a hypocritical practice, those who take tips usually do not give the same tips when the tables are turned. To each their own if you can tip 20 or 25% good for you but don’t force tips.. it’s always supposed to be optional.


Happyjee t1_j03oe7q wrote

The fact so many people are interacting on “Tips” topic just shows how out of control the tipping is after covid. When did we start tipping 20% for coffee or for takeouts. There needs to be something done where employer pays more and we patrons also need to pay more but it’s a fixed amount and we know it before hand.